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然而现实是柴米油盐,是锅碗瓢盆。But the reality is daily necessities, is basin of boiler bowl gourd ladle.

你们度过了琐碎的一生、柴米油盐的一生、平淡的一生、幸福的一生。You had a trivial life, daily necessities of life, plain life, happy life.

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其实全世界最幸福旳童话,当然是─起渡过柴米油盐旳岁月。In fact , the happiest fairy tale is no more than the simple days we have together.

其实全世界最幸福的童话,不过是一起柴米油盐的岁月。In fact, the happiest fairy tale is no more than the simple days we have had together.

他们将要一起面对充斥着柴米油盐等等琐事的日常生活,一起计划开销。They'll have to face the endless chores in daily life and plan for their money together.

跟相爱的人,柴米油盐,相伴到老,依然可以手牵手,足矣。With the love of the people, fuel, accompanied to the old, can still hand in hand, foot.

我才顿悟,她才是真的过着柴米油盐的日子,我们只是在随心所欲的生活。I just insight, she is really lived a daily necessities of day, we just follow one's inclinations of life.

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柴米油盐取代了浪漫激情,婚姻开始呈现的乏味让我对它未来的走向逐渐迷茫起来。Fuel instead of romantic passion, the marriage begins to appear dull it makes me on the future gradually lost.

他们的生活远不止那些政治、社会和经济问题。远不止一时的柴米油盐问题。There is more to their life than political and social and economic problems , more than transient everydayness.

他们的生活远不止那些政治的、社会的和经济的问题,远不止一时的基本的柴米油盐问题。There are lots of problems not only that political , social and economic issues , but also that daily necessities.

我们不能成为那些只是为了柴米油盐拼命工作,却没有时间追求梦想的人。We can't turn into those people who work and work just to pay their bill, and don't have any time to pursue their dreams.

辛苦奔波、生儿育女、柴米油盐,当爱情被琐碎撕开温柔面纱的时候,没有房子,没有存款,那么生活该如何继续?Hard work and daily necessities, travel, when love is trivial tear when no veil, gentle, so no deposit house, how to live?

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研究显示,在结婚头几年,随着对婚姻生活的梦想逐渐在每日的柴米油盐中瓦解,在这种情况下,婚姻出现危机的风险最大。The risk is highest in the first few years of marriage when the dream of life together gives way to the daily grind , the study showed.

柯切主任与夏皮洛院长碰到一起,从柴米油盐的“往哪里来,过哪边去”开始到谈及有关哥大与巴纳德学院的各项事务,可以谈的事情很多。The pair has plenty to discuss, like “where we’ve been and where we’re going, ” says Kitcher. “What things at Barnard and Columbia are like.

美丽的邂逅,一生的誓约,柴米油盐,温馨满屋,点点滴滴的美好散落在生活的角角落落,装扮着人们看似或困苦或多舛的生活。Beautiful, life vows, fuel, a warm house, little better scattered on the corner of life, dressed people seemingly or hardship or the hard life.

这个表现小人物的电视剧,有我们熟悉的叁姑六婆,柴米油盐。This performance unimportant persons soap opera, has three paternal aunts six husbands mothers who we are familiar with, the daily necessities.

我们的时代已经做到了网络信息化,却远没有做到网络生活化,柴米油盐依然是电子商务的盲点。We have entered the information age, but still far from using Internet for daily life, with daily necessities as a blind spot of current e-business.

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曾经那么幸福地生活在甜蜜的恋爱季节及新婚时光里,直到老公迷上游戏,完全忽略了我们,那种幸福才被扼杀在柴米油盐的争吵里。It was a happy life in the sweet love season and the time, until the husband hooked on the game, completely ignore us, that happiness was killed in the fuel of an argument.

咱们要认清一个看法,恋爱可以风花雪月,婚姻却是柴米油盐,没有物资作基础的,再璀璨的恋爱也会凋落的。We are all to identify a point of view , love can be romantic , but the marriage is rice and salt , If there was no material as a basis, and then love will be withered bright.

于是我们拖着风花雪月、爱恨情仇、柴米油盐、康健患疾,还有生存的权利、生活的质量、生命的尊严,谁也摆脱不了。So we pulled romantic, love his concubine Healthy suffering from diseases, as well as the right to life, the quality of life, the dignity of life, who also could not shake off.