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但是至少这则新闻很抢眼。But the news is bright at least.

他的广告也特别抢眼。His ads are also extremely eye-catching.

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而且从一开始它就是十分抢眼的。And it’s obvious since the very beginning.

教堂的弯顶和双峙塔现在依然很抢眼。Its dome and twin towers still catch the eye now.

至于曼联,琼斯、鲁尼和维尔贝克表现十分抢眼。For United, Jones, Rooney and Welbeck were exceptional.

姜东润在本次比赛中表现相当抢眼。Kang Dong-Yoon in the game quite eye-catching performance.

爬行动物皮革十分抢眼,可以让你成为抢镜焦点。Reptile skin is eye-catching and makes a fine focal point.

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硫化铜和氧化铜也是很抢眼的替代材料。Copper sulfide and copper oxide were also attractive candidates.

对比浅棕色独特抢眼,压花绳带皮革装饰,露趾设计。New quarter leather embossed brown rope DKNY fashion sexy high heels.

新兴市场之所以表现如此抢眼的原因之一,就是“1999理论”。One reason why emerging markets may be doing so well is the “1999 theory”.

盛装美女的茶艺表演,从来都是农博会上最抢眼的一道风景。Tea-making performance has always been a most eye-catching part on the Expo.

长久以来,IVC的研究一向处在抢眼而神秘的HVC的阴影之下。For a long time, IVCs stood in the shadow of the more flashy and mysterious HVCs.

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乏味的白色的纸?太普通了,得找个稍微抢眼的。Boring white paper? Too commonplace. Let's find something a little more eyecatching.

园中最抢眼的墨迹,自然是洗砚池旁边的御碑亭。The shiniest calligraphy in the garden is of course Yubei Pavilion beside Xiyan Pond.

“很容易啊,”二傻子回。“俺每次都先打完枪再绕着抢眼画个白圈。”"Easy, " replied the idiot. "Each time I shoot first then draw a circles around it. "

法比安斯基再一次表现抢眼,比赛刚开始的那次扑救改变了整个比赛。Once again Fabianski was brilliant and the save in the first minute was a game changer.

这座桥的设计造型如此抢眼,一定会让建筑评论家们嗔目结舌。This eye-catching bridge design is bound to have the architectural critics tongue-tied.

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大部衣物均为独立设计,手工制作,所以独一无二,亮丽抢眼。The big clothing is the independent design, hand planted, therefore unique, snatches sharp.

下半场我们的表现更加抢眼,特别是在球队改打433的阵型后。Our second half performance was a great deal better, particularly after we switched to 4-3-3.

现在在你面前的这座宅邸是与众不同的。而且从一开始它就是十分抢眼的。The palace that you see in front of you is unusual. And it's obvious since the very beginning.