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我不称赞。I praise you not.

我的称赞使她感到美滋滋的。My praise made her sing.

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他在称赞中溺死了“。He drowned in the ovation.

我们无论怎样称赞他都不为过分。We cannot praise him too much.

杰西欧文的想法应该被称赞。Jesse Owens had the right idea.

我的父母称赞阿富热烈。My parents praised Ah Fu warmly.

我们称赞他的勇敢。We applauded him for his courage.

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但是,他却称赞那些贫穷和谦卑的人。But he exalts the poor and humble.

他的优良品行值得称赞。His good conduct deserves applause.

她称赞他为人正直。She admired his straightforwardness.

他的目的是高尚的,值得称赞的。His aim is honorable and praiseworthy.

许多评论家都称赞圣母怜子图布朗。Many critics have praised Pieta Brown.

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他称赞他们的热情。He commended them for their enthusiasm.

我们要称赞你的爱情,胜似称赞美酒。We will extol your love more than wine.

那傻男孩子不加考虑地接受了他们所有的称赞.The silly boy lapped up all their praise

最后一次称赞他们是什么时候了?When did you last pay them a compliment?

他称赞了她无私的行动。He commended her for her selfless action.

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米契称赞贝丝的新鞋。Mitch complimented Beth on her new shoes.

孩子的优良品行得到称赞。The child's good behaviour reaped praise.

那傻男孩不加考虑地接受了他们所有的称赞。The silly boy lapped up all their praise.