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他从聚会上溜走了。He jammed the party.

这是雄鹰们的聚会。A gathering of eagles.

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这是泰利的聚会。This is Tillie's party.

在聚会上,他装扮成一名歌手。At the party he a singer.

她从聚会上逃跑。She bolted from the party.

聚会结束了,人们……The party's over, folks...

他得到约请参加那个聚会。He is invited to the party.

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美国人聚会时谈些什么?What's American party talk?

他邀请了我们去他家聚会。He had us around for a party.

这个聚会令人大失所望。The party was a big let-down.

和我去“妖怪”的聚会吧。Come to Bogey's party with me.

你知道这是个非正式的聚会。It’s a casual party, you know.

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那个俱乐部每月聚会一次。The club convenes every month.

那次聚会死气沈沈。The party was completely dead.

别提十年或者十五年聚会了。not to mention ten and fifteen.

她的出席使聚会更有生气。Her presence animated the party.

我昨晚连着去了几轮聚会。I went party-hopping last night.

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他要是肯来参加我们的聚会,那该有多么好!If only he would join our party!

那只是一次订婚聚会!It was only an engagement party!

她非常腻烦聚会。She' s very blase about parties.