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她与那个男孩难舍难分。She is busy with that boy.

她对他一点也不觉得难舍难分。She did not in the least miss him.

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他们昨夜亲热得难舍难分。They were really sexing it up last night.

爱到深处心会痛,难舍难分。The deep love heart hurts, hard to give up.

那对情人难舍难分。The lovers were exceedingly loath to separate.

我知道自己在一个小房间里,躺在狭窄的床上,我与那张床似乎已难舍难分。I knew I was in a small room and in a narrow bed.

爱太深容易看见伤痕,情太真所以难舍难分。Love is too deep wounds, feeling too easily see true so.

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她才17岁却与查理相亲相爱,难舍难分。She was only 17 years old and she and Charlie had fallen deeply in love.

她们并非焦虑的向上爬的人,她们不会对物质性的东西难舍难分。They are not anxious social climbers, or we get no devotion to material stuffs.

不仅如此,这现象似乎直到成年还和我们难舍难分。Nor does it stop there. Right into adult life the phenomenon seems to stay with us.

她们否则焦虑的向上爬的人,她们不会对物质性的物品难舍难分。They are not not anxious social climbers, or you HAs no devotion to material stuff.

机缘。巧合。筑造的便是一场场宿命难舍难分的纠葛。Opportunity. Coincidence. Building is a field of destiny find it difficult to tear apart.

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她对这幢房子在感情上难舍难分。房子实在太大了。She was sentimentally attached to this house, for even though it was far too big for her needs.

她在乡下有一幢巨大杂乱的房子,叫作“山墙庄园”。她对这幢房子在感情上难舍难分。She had a huge, rambling country house called 'The Gables'. She was sentimentally attached to this house.

马利筋为自我保护如此认真地抵抗黑脉金斑蝶的侵袭,结果变得与蝴蝶难舍难分。In defending itself so thoroughly against the monarch, the milkweed became inseparable from the butterfly.

见面的机会真是难得,分别时更是难舍难分,况且又兼东风将收的暮春天气,百花残谢,更加使人伤感。Li Shangyin meets when difficult don't also difficult, the east wind incapable hundred flowers are remnant.

后来,住过无数地方,学习过各种不同的语言,北京话却跟了我一辈子,无论如何,难舍难分。I moved to many places later and learned many other kinds of dialects. But Pekingese stayed with me all my life.

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在“我同我的牛仔裤难舍难分”等宣传口号的感召下,许多人一起共同创造了今天的牛仔服热潮。With slogans like "Nothing will ever come between me and my jeans" many people join to create the jeans fashion today.

许多女人发现她们一旦与一名男子发生关系,她们就会患上“坠入爱河继而难舍难分”症。Many women find themselves being inflicted with the "I'm-suddenly-in-love-and-clingy" syndrome the moment they have sex with a man.

若上帝恩赐予我一些美貌和丰厚的财富,我会让你同我一般难舍难分。And if God had gifted me with some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you.