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他是位有真才实学的学者。He is no mean scholar.

他是一个有真才实学的年轻球员。He's a young player with real quality.

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有几个真才实学的专家?There are several substantive experts?

博士状的蠢货打压着真才实学。And folly, doctor-like, controlling skill.

有民主,就可以考验议员有没有真才实学。With democracy, we can check whether legislators are knowledgeable.

愚者真才实学,智者不耻下问。相比看小游戏。Fools learn nothing from wise men but wise men learn much from fools.

那五位具有真才实学的工程师是这个小厂的中流砥柱。The five engineers of real learning are the mainstays of the small factory.

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没有真才实学的父母,很难让孩子真正佩服。It is very difficult for children to truly admire their parents who have no genuine ability and learning.

如果你真的是超级明星,那么就展示出的真才实学吧,那样你将得到更多的掌声。If you are really a super star, pls. show your genuine talent to us and you will gain more applause from your audience.

一项新的研究发现,在某一方面有真才实学的人们对广告赞助商的“糖衣炮弹”有一定的免疫力。But a new study shows that people with true expertise in a subject have some immunity to the siren song of corporate sponsorship.

新成立的研究中心作为一个“实验室”,努力培养一支有真才实学的、能真心服务于上海发展的科研队伍。It will bring up a group of experts who have genuine ability and learning to serve the achievement of Shanghai in effect sincerely.

这么搞下去,女孩子会越来越注意自己的外表,忽视自我修养和真才实学。If it goes on like this, the girls will pay more and more attention to facial beauty, and neglect self-cultivation and personal talent.

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聪明的老板明白这样的流氓做法会得到报应——那就是公司最终被一群巧言令色而又无真才实学的职员拖垮。Smart bosses know that corporate bullies eventually get what they deserve--a staff of lickspittles whose lack of talent destroys the company.

才学丰富的人,他的名声自然会大。人们所佩服的是有真才实学的人,并非大言不惭的人。A person of outstanding ability will naturally have a good reputation. Admiration from others does not come from boasting or praising oneself.

不洗澡的人,硬擦香水是不会香的。名声与尊贵,是来自于真才实学的。有德自然香。Is not a bath person, not a hard rubbing perfume smells good. Reputation and dignity, is from the real ability of the. Virtuous natural incense.

对于一个球员来说,确实应该忠实的仔细衡量一下,他们是否真的有真才实学,在这块世界上最难获得成绩的运动领域上取得成功。A player must ponder whether they honestly think they have the ability to succeed at one of the most difficult sporting atmospheres in the world.

在竞争日益激烈的今天,真才实学是展现自身能力的基础,复合型人才更是现代社会所必须的。In the increasingly competitive today, true skill and genuine knowledge is to show their ability of the foundation, compound talents is the modern society need.

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你必须去寻找那些真正聪明、有真才实学的、敢于冒险的人们,给他们工作机会,他们完全可以帮你信守诺言!These people are going to deliver on the promise you made to Wall Street. You must go find those really smart, really capable, really courageous risk-takers and offer them jobs.