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卡明是凭自己的本事发家致富的。Cumming was wealthy in his own right.

你不需要为发家致富放弃什么。You don’t have to give up anything to become wealthy.

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资本家利用劳工的剩余价值发家致富。Capitalists use laborers' surplus value to make a fortune.

棉花产业,是怎么让南方发家致富的呢Now, how powerful-- was the cotton boom once it took hold?

多年来,厂长们一直靠工人们的劳动成果而发家致富。For years the directors have been fattening on the efforts of the workers.

如果你对金钱的欲望感到内疚的话,这将影响你发家致富。If you feel guilty about wanting money, your guilt will prevent you from getting it.

之后,他通过投资房地产和奢侈品行业而发家致富。He later went on to build his wealth through real-estate investments and luxury goods.

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同样,金融泡沫在信用的顶点上堆积信用,靠自欺欺人来发家致富。Similarly, the financial bubble, piling credit on top of credit, got rich on self-affirmation.

春联的内容常以发家致富和吉祥喜庆为主。Spring Festival couplets content often in the hair house amass and auspicious festive primarily.

刚刚起家的百万富翁和亿万富翁是在当前的政治制度下发家致富的。The newly minted millionaires and billionaires have amassed their wealth under the current political system.

靠经营室内家具陈设及用品发家致富的这位商人已于2004年将生意出售。The businessman, who made his fortune from interior furnishings and accessories, already sold his business in 2004.

肯尼迪的父亲约瑟夫•P•肯尼迪是一位金融家,也是个精明的商人,靠金融投资和贩酒发家致富。His father, Joseph P. Kennedy, was a financier and wheeler-dealer who made a fortune in investing, banking and liquor.

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只要大家认为富人们是通过操纵、而非通过诚实竞争发家致富的,这样的不平等就是有害的。Any inequality is corrosive if those with wealth are believed to have rigged the game rather than won in honest competition.

无论高低贵贱,那些准备放手一搏白手起家、发家致富或改变世界的梦想家们依然将其视为一片热土。And it's still a magnet for dice-rolling dreamers who want to start anew, make money and change the world, with or without pants.

如果黑手党想让自己在这个国家里成为一股有影响力的势力,那么垃圾处理业是一个发家致富的好路子。If the mafia were to establish itself as an effective force in this country, it would do so by way of the waste disposal industry.

这些人就是靠骗取那些希望一夜瘦身的人而发家致富的。They are relying on the hopeful ones that want to believe there is a miracle cure to lose weight out there to get themselves rich.

创办中小商业企业是改革开放后我国许多人的发家致富之道。It has been a way of getting rich to start a medium-sized or small business since China' s reform and opening up to the outside world.

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自贡盐商发家致富之后,曾对有益桑梓的社会公益事业作出了不可忽视的贡献。After getting rich of Zigong's salt merchants, they did contribution for social commonweal cause such as conducing mulberry and catalpa.

现在大学毕业生面临着的人生,和上一代那些已经先发家致富的人曾面临过的,已经完全不一样了。College graduates now face a life that would be totallyunrecognizable to those a generation earlier, who had the fortune offirst-mover advantage.

那个模式一直沿用至今,那些在硅谷创新浪潮中发家致富的企业家都会转向于下一波浪潮的投资。In a pattern that continues today, entrepreneurs who got rich in one wave of Silicon Valley innovation turned around and invested in the next wave.