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该项议案通过投票遭到否决。The measure was outvoted.

这项议案是1908年通过的。The bill was passed in 1908.

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这项议案是一九○八年通过的。The bill was passed in 1908.

这议案是在甚么时辰被提出会商的?When was the bill called up?

国会否决了这项议案。Congress voted the bill down.

全郡投票否决了该项议案。The county voted the measure down.

但到那时为止,议案才被引入。But the bill, introduced by then-Rep.

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总统已否决了该项议案。The President has overruled the bill.

这些议案是应请求提出来的。The bills were introduced by request.

议案的命运吉凶未卜。The fate of the bill hung in balance.

上院否决了该项议案。The motion was negatived by the House.

他们将有时间就这项议案展开辩论。They will have time to debate the bill.

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第一项议案探测放屁机!The first motion-detecting fart machine!

保罗的议案最终不可能成为法律条文。Mr Paul’s bill is unlikely to become law.

议案以一票反对被通过。The bill passed with one dissentient vote.

棉农通过游说使这一议案得以通过。The cotton farmers lobbied this bill through.

他们开始对这项议案进行长时间的审议。They fell into a long discussion on the bill.

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在纸面上,议案的预算收支相抵。On paper, the bills break even for the budget.

他们决定在议案中附加一个修正案。They decided to tack an amendment to the bill.

那么这项议案的支持者是哪些人呢?Where is the support for this bill coming from?