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这样既节约钱又节约水,一举两得.It saves you money and helps the water sources.

难道你不认为这对我们来说是一件一举两得的事吗?V Don't you think it a double advantage for us?

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你也可以协作着一同运用,这样就到达一举两得的效果。You can also collaborate with the application, so get a double.

最后,它是一种能够杀死一举两得。Lastly, it is a kind of thing which kills two birds with one stone.

你用这些水喂他,他有可能会接受,这样就一举两得。The water you use to feed him, and he may be acceptable, so do both.

一举两得。采用外包运营权的私有化模式即可以降低水价运营成本,减少。Kill two birds with one stone. Reduce the subsidy, avoid the political.

你只是一举两得,因为逗她笑就是你的快乐。You just hit two birds with one stone, because making hersmile just made your day.

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这次既好玩,又很有知识性,真是一举两得!This trip was fun and full of knowledge so that was killing two birds with one stone!

当我去邮局的路上,也顺便去了趟银行,这可真是一举两得。I killed two birds with one stone when I went to the bank on my way to the post office.

如果六方会谈也能说服中国去遏制朝鲜,这将一举两得。If they also help persuade China to rein in North Korea, that would be a double benefit.

这种方法一举两得,既拉住了顾客,公司又更加有利可图。This approach both put the customer in charge and was more profitable for magazine companies.

如果我回家的话我就可以见到家人和老朋友了,一举两得。If I go home I can see my family and my old friends. I'll be shooting two birds with one stone.

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在能源方面,不用玉米而改由纤维素中的糖蒸馏出乙醇可说是一举两得。In energy terms, distilling ethanol from the sugar in cellulose instead of corn is a double play.

每次我去剪头发的时候都会修指甲,这样我可以一举两得。I always get my nails manicured while I get my hair cut, that way I can kill two birds with one stone.

削马铃薯时,我把剧本里面我的台词部分都学会了。这可是一举两得啊。I learned the words to my part in the play while peeling potatoes. I was killing two birds with one stone.

这样既能保证酒品的品质,也能拿到满意的价格,可谓一举两得。So which can ensure the quality of the wine, also can get satisfactory price, is kill two birds with one stone.

食用者即可以尝到虾的鲜香,同时也可以尝到酒的洌香,一举两得,不亦乐乎?That is, consumers can taste the shrimp Xianxiang, but also tasted the wine of pure fragrance, double, and joy?

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爱丽丝到一个地方观光的时候,顺便拜访附近的朋友,真是一举两得.。Alice killed two birds with one stone by going to a place for sightseeing and then calling on her friend nearby.

在当前医疗改革的争论中,这项一举两得的提议应该得到双方政客的认可了。Something that, in the current healthcare debate, should appeal to everyone on both sides of the political aisle.

为了刻纹章和刻伤感的遗言,我们得弄一块石头来,这样,我们可以利用这块石头来个一举两得。We got to have a rock for the coat of arms and mournful inscriptions, and we can kill two birds with that same rock.