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所有的一切将会到来。So all that's to come.

阿·坎特纳尔将会到来。Ah Kantenal shall come.

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他将等候我的到来。He will abide my coming.

再次感谢各位佳宾的到来!Thanks for coming again!

西塘河香客栈欢迎你的到来!Welcome to He Xiang Inn!

她对我的到来反应冷淡。She hardens to my coming.

他对我的到来感到不安。He stewed about my coming.

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我们对他的到来感到很惊奇。I'm arriving on the 14 th.

它的意思是“先于什么到来“It means "to come before."

大家早就翘首期待这一切的到来。All of this is long overdue.

我们对他的到来,起立表示敬意。We all stood for his coming.

我们很高兴你的到来。We' re glad you could Conle.

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聚缘咖啡欢迎您的到来!Poly edge coffee welcome you!

亚商拥抱您的到来!YaShang embrace your arrival!

对于即将到来的初吻感到紧张不安吗?Nervous about your first kiss?

你的时代会到来的,朋友。Your time will be come, amigo.

失去的,留下的,到来的。One is Leaveing, one is coming.

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谢谢你的到来,菲尔。Thank you for being here, Phil.

衷心欢迎你们的到来!A heartfelt welcome to everyone!

圣诞节又要到来。Christmas will soom come around.