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我为你祈祷了,总管。I have prayed for you, Seneschal.

水是从总管道来的。Water is supplied from the mains.

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不,总管,你才是危险。No, Seneschal, you are the danger.

小的父亲乃是御窑厂总管。My father is the chief of the plant.

他曾经在这里担任过三年的总管。He was governor here for three years.

铭记不朽者的启示,小心带香味的总管。Remember the undying . Beware the perfumed seneschal.

总管犹豫了一会,然后说,“我问你,将军。The seneschal hesitated a moment, then said, “I ask you, Marshal.

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谭•科普塞是中外对话网的运作和发展总管。Tan Copsey is operations and development manager at chinadialogue.

车队领导或者技术总管,他都能出色完成。Team principal or technical director, he can do fantastically well.

这次赞扬,副总管和两个女管事都听到了。And the sub-matron and two of the Board ladies had heard the compliment.

他与总管的第一次正面冲突是彻底的胜利。HIS FIRST CONFRONTATION WITH the seneschal had been a resounding victory.

他的总管伊拉玛正在入口通道内不安地等著他。Erasmus, his chief bookkeeper, waited uncertainly just beyond the entryway.

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但这位总管担心,下一任会特别有决定作用。But the seneschal feared that the next tenure would be particularly decisive.

每次新任总管都得到所有的部门走访一遍。Every new executive must do the rounds of all the departments in the company.

随着颂歌的继续他盯着总管看,他还站在他的边上。As the chant continued he stared at the seneschal, who still stood beside him.

第二,重新任职的总管能够避免被他们过去的成功冲昏了头脑吗?Second, is the returning manager able to avoid being blinded by past triumphs?

永发原来是诸葛靖经常光顾的「大总管」家居清洁公司的老板。And turned out to be ZhuGeJing frequented chief household cleaning company boss.

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机务总管先生,尾轴的梢头需要磁粉探伤吗?Mr. Superintend, do you want to perform magnetic particle testing on tailshaft taper?

当水管破裂时,她有头脑想到将总管关上。When the water-pipe burst, she had the intelligence to turn the water off at the main.

气源总管靠发动机,APU或地面气源车增压。The engines, the APU, or a pneumatic ground cart can pressurize the pneumatic manifold.