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只有雌蚊吸食血液。Only female mosquitoes drink blood.

你昨晚海洛因吸食过量。You overdosed on heroin last night.

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这些虫子每天吸食许多树液。These bugs drink much sap every day.

他们甚至强迫他吸食海洛因。They even forced him to take heroin.

吸食低焦油香烟是安全的。Low-tar cigarettes are safe to smoke.

李雄教我怎样吸食“小麻”。Li Xiong taught me how to take Ketamine.

许多吸食海洛因的人感染了艾滋病。Many heroin addicts have contracted ALDS.

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他们吸食血液也是繁殖的一部分。Their blood feedings are part of reproduction.

即使吸食低焦油的烟草也同样会提高患病风险。Use of smokeless tobacco also raises the risk.

多萝西在奥兹国吸食过量。Dorothy takes a drug overdose in the middle of Oz.

我们爱吸食大麻,他们却一口也不要我抽。With all their marijuana, They won't give me a puff.

尽管吸食了毒品,她还是很警惕地度过了那一天。She got through the day alertly, despite being on drugs.

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然而,自2014年以来吸食水平似乎已经趋于平稳。However, the levels appear to have leveled off since 2014.

正确。纸烟是吸食烟草的最普遍方式。The cigarette is the most common method of smoking tobacco.

以前就有传言说迪伦曾经吸食过海洛因。There have been rumours that Dylan was involved with heroin.

他在幻觉用品商店买了一些大麻卷烟烟蒂夹子和大麻吸食管。He bought some roach clips and hashish pipes at the head shop.

在港商的引诱下,廖凤开始吸食毒品。Hong Kong businessmen in the lure, Liao Feng started taking drugs.

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1991年,马拉多纳在一次药检中被发现吸食毒品,并因此被停赛15个月。In 1991, Maradona failed a drug test and was banned for 15 months.

在港商的引诱下,廖凤开始吸食毒品。Lured by the Hong Kong businessmen, Liao Feng started taking drugs.

据相关报道,绵羊和鹿也是吸食鸦片“上瘾”的动物。Sheep and deer have also been reported as being raving opium fiends.