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他是一个特技替身演员?。He was a stuntman?

他过去一直在给明星做替身。He used to stand in for the star.

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替身演员的恐惧。在操场上发生的嘲笑。Fear in the stuntman Sneer in the playground.

“还有个我的人?”替身警觉地问着。"One of mine?" the simulagent asked, alarmed.

这仅仅是一个老式的种族主义的替身。This is just a proxy for old-fashioned racism.

“泰斯拉,”替身恳求道,“我无法同意——”"Tesla, " the simulagent pleaded. "I can't agree-"

当一个人爱上了爱情,你就成了他爱情的替身。When he fells for love, the understudy of love you are.

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你的替身对象将在影像形板中“钻一个孔”。Your stand-in objects will 'punch a hole' in the matte.

他在好莱坞的第一份工作是作为克拉克盖保的替身演员。His first job in Hollywood was as a double for Clark Gable.

另一种方法就是用小比例替身演员来制造远处矮人的效果。Another trick was to use "scale doubles30" for faraway shorts.

这个场景在替身演员德克兰·马尔霍兰的参与下拍摄。The scene was filmed with a stand-in actor, Declan Mulholland.

金蛇郎君也还是爱上了替身。The golden snake swordsman still also fell in love with double.

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戴夫就被提供一个“为祖国献身”的机会,成为替身之一。Dave is offered a chance to "serve his country" by becoming one.

他即使很危险的镜头也很少用替身演员。He seldom uses a stunt man even for some dangerous thins scenes.

沃夫朗预计将在一项活动中演说,而届时他正是让QB机器人当自己的替身。Slated to give a talk at an event, Wolfram had a QB stand in forhim.

成龙和李连杰在电影中都不爱用替身演员。Both Jacky Chan and Jet Li don't like to use stuntman in their films.

我在一月份的时候开始和特技替身演员和打戏团队进行训练。I started training in January with the stunt guys and the fight team.

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蘩漪是男性自我的他者,曹七巧是女性自我的替身。Fanyi belongs to the others as against mens selves while Cao Qiqiao i.

那位男主角在电影中所有的危险镜头都由一个替身演员代拍。The main actor have a fall guy do all the dangerous scene in the movie.

大宝给别人当上了替身演员,自己被打得脸都肿了。Dabao to others when the body double, oneself was beaten face is swollen.