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转移你的注视。Shift your gaze.

转移你的股息。Move your dividends.

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现在,我转移一下话题Now, I jumped though.

就是电子转移。It is electron transfer.

我开始转移我的注意力。I began to shift my focus.

向新的发射点挪动转移。Moving to new launch site.

船转移了停泊地。The ship shifted its berth.

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他将自由的转移到英国南部的军港城市。He moves to Pompey on a free.

我本能的反应是转移我的目光。I divert my sight by instinct.

然后转移到另外一个胳膊。Then move on to the other arm.

转移呼吸的焦点。Shift the focus of your breath.

更大的问题是转移。The bigger issue is metastasis.

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可变转移地址?。VTA? Variable Transfer Address?

我要被转移到别的集中营去。I am being sent to another camp.

这全是通过电子手段的转移。This is all electronic transfer.

转移重量到领引脚。Transfer weight to the lead foot.

嗯,首先我们需要电子转移。Well, you need electron transfer.

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一切都在向“云”转移。Everything is moving to the cloud.

我用了呼叫转移。I used the call transfer function.

这是一个风险转移机制。That is a risk transfer mechanism.