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希望你吃得开心。Hope you have fun.

我们野餐吃得开心极了。We had a lot of fun at the picnic.

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自便哦,希望您能吃得开心。Help yourself, I hope you enjoy it.

您在卢浮宫里多少还吃得开吧,先生?Have you taken the Louvre at all, sir?

谢谢,真高兴您吃得开心!Thank you. I am glad that you enjoyed it!

她的策略是成为地上树上两个世界都吃得开的能人。Her strategy was to be mistress of both worlds.

他是那种到处都能吃得开的人。He is the type of person who succeeds everywhere.

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你晓得她的公司吧?她在老板那儿很吃得开。You know her company? She has a big drag with the boss.

有迹象显示,年轻一代的女性在职场上很吃得开。There is evidence that the younger generation of women is thriving in the workplace.

吃得开的一个意思就是培养新朋友认识你,从而跟你合作,或对你的工作产生助力。You will be popular if you keep finding new friends to cooperate with you or provide help for your job.

把那些热狗想成是一立方英尺奶牛气体。用餐愉快!吃得开心!就这样。你瞧?我们多有能耐。Think of those hotdogs as one cubic foot of cow gas. Bon appétit! That's it. See? We can make a difference.

印度和巴西的公司由于他们的私人企业性质和更开放的文化,在海外更吃得开。Indian and Brazilian firms have an advantage abroad thanks to their private-sector DNA and more open cultures.

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为了在新春佳节吃得营养,吃得卫生,吃得文明,吃得开心,家宴须要注重礼仪。In the Spring Festival to eat nutrition, eat health, eat civilized, happy to eat, must pay attention to etiquette.

但我是出于希望相聚、善用时间,以及吃得开心,想一次过满足三个愿望,这一点,我的朋友很明白。But I hope to meet for efficient use of time, and eat happy to meet a one-off three wishes, this, my friends understand.

孩子吃得开心父母看的放心加上儿童糖果包装的趣味性可以使孩子生活更加丰富多彩。Children see their parents happy to eat at ease with children in fun candy wrappers can make the child lives more colorful.

希望大家都吃得开心。现在我们邀请三一神学院院长魏丰年牧师博士为我们致辞。I hope that you are all enjoying the dinner. We now invite Rev Dr Ngoei Foong Nghian, Principal of TTC, to give his address.

元旦节,假期近,祝你玩得舒心,吃得开心、想起顶心,忘记伤心,收到我祝福顿时和我心心相印!New Year's Day, holidays near, I wish you enjoy comfortable, fun to eat, think of the top heart, forget the sad, and I immediately received my blessing soulmate!

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食品安全关系到我们每一个人,只有建立健全食品安全信息追溯,老百姓才能吃得放心,吃得开心,身心健康。Food safety concerns closely with all of us, only if the foodstuff traceability system of food safety can the ordinary people enjoy themselves in food and health.

尽管他忠实于路德教,但是他在天主教集团仍然很吃得开,而且他满怀理想地站在推进教会重新统一的立场上,这是他一生为之奋斗的目标之一。However, despite his loyalty to Lutheranism, he moved easily in Catholic circles, and was ideally placed to further the reunification of the churches, which was one of his life's ambitions.