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同时颜色的选择也很独具一格。Also the choice of colors is quite impressive.

在他的诗里有独具一格和想象力。There is originality and imagery in his poems.

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老板略过一些礼节,他独具一格。When your boss skips a few rules, he'sbeing original.

赛尚以独具一格的苹果静物画驰名遐迩。Cezanne is known for his unique still life paintings of apples.

在天地万物中,我的能力组合独具一格。I'm the only one in all of creation who has my set of abilities.

在天地万物中,我的能力组合独具一格。I' m the only one in all of creation who has my set of abilities.

而SOA架构风格最独具一格的特点是And the most distinctive features of the SOA architectural style are

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银叶金合欢是独具一格、观赏价值极高的植物。Acacia podalyriifolia is a particular plant with high ornamental value.

北宋中晚期刻花装饰精美绝伦,独具一格。Middle and Late Northern Song Dynasty carved exquisite decoration, unique style.

“它真的独具一格。它是一种新型的飞行器,”帕斯捷尔纳克说道。It is really its own category. It is a new type of air vehicle, " said Pasternak."

独具一格的惠安女民俗文化,在现代化潮流的冲击下正处在濒临消逝的境地。Unique Huian women folk culture, shocking by the modernization trend, was in danger.

中国的钱币不仅历史悠久而且种类繁多,形成了独具一格的钱币文化。China's coin has a long history and variety, forming a unique style of money culture.

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在全国众多的剪纸艺术中,庆阳剪纸与众不同,独具一格。In the country in a large number of paper-cut art, paper cutting QINGYANG different, unique.

建筑主题鲜明,外观造型独具一格,有助于所在地建立旅游目的地形象。The bright architectural theme, unique surface, that are good for the traveling destination.

在整个文学库藏中,只有极少数作品-或许不到50本-是独具一格的。Rare are the unique books – less than 50, perhaps, out of the whole storehouse of literature.

我迫不及待地夹起一块先尝了一口,味道真好,滋味独具一格,酥而不烂。I can't wait to pick up a piece of taste a mouthful good taste unique flavor crisp but not bad.

当然你也必须接受的是,所谓的独具一格也是有时间期限的。Of course you also have to accept that the time period for which it remains unique will be limited.

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虽然乘客爱抱怨出租车司机,但纽约的司机们可以说是独具一格。While passengers love to complain about taxi drivers, the drivers of New York are in a league of their own.

他们有生俱来的天赋、独具一格的做事方法以及过往成就,这些使得他们能像管道和沟渠一般将自己的所获所得灌输给其他人,让他们从中获得帮助。Their inborn talents, unique path and achievement allow them to be a conduit and channel for helping others.

他是一个有魅力的公众英雄,他的写作风格和文体独具一格,在欧美风靡一时。He is a glamorous public hero whose style of literature is very ingenious and very popular in Europe an American.