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他的右耳被割除了。His right ear was taken off.

右耳触右肩的颈部伸展动作Right Ear to Right Shoulder Neck Stretch

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右耳发烧,说的是好话,左耳发烧,说的是坏话。If his left ear burns, they are talking ill.

我瞅见它的右耳扯开了一个大口子。I saw that his right ear was split wide open.

首先把你的左掌放到左耳,右掌放到右耳上。Place your left palm on your left ear and your right palm on your right ear.

这句话啥意思?刀子究竟在哪?玛里奥在他的右耳后迅速而重重地插上一刀。Mario struck him heavily but quickly with his knife just behind the right ear.

因为割除肿瘤的手术,也导致了他右耳失聪。He is also deaf in his right ear from the operation he had to remove the tumor.

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理学检查在右耳前摸到一个结节。Physical examination revealed a palpable nodule in the right preauricular area.

内中有一个人,把大祭司的仆人砍了一刀,削掉了他的右耳。And one of them smote the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear.

一项研究表明,当人愤怒的时候,右耳对声音的接受更加主动。A study showed that when we're furious, this ear becomes more receptive to sound.

要是你想在一个吵闹的派对里听清楚低声的交谈,最好用你的右耳。If you're stuck chatting up a mumbler at a cocktail party, lean in with your right ear.

倾斜头部,将右耳靠近右肩直到你有了拉伸的感觉。Tilt you head, bringing your right ear to your right shoulder until you feel a stretch.

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当生气使左脑变得活跃时,从右耳传入的声音会被听得更清楚。If anger activates it, noise from the right, but not the left, will be heard more keenly.

把手握成茶杯状,左手放在左耳上,右手放在右耳上。Cup your hands and place your left palm on your left ear and right palm on your right ear.

我的右耳却像是被火烧了一般,扁桃体炎在我体内的肆虐并未停止,只是暂时得到了控制。My right ear is a blur of inflammation, the remnants of tonsillitis only just under control.

同年右耳廓发生角化棘皮瘤,手术切除治愈。In the same year keratoacanthoma appeared on the right ear, and was removed by surgery later.

别人朝你的右耳讲话,你就会把所听到的内容传到一个更“对味”的半脑中。Talk into the right ear and you send your words into a slightly more amenable part of the brain.

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科学家发现,当人们在生气的时候,右耳变得比左耳更敏锐。Scientists found that when we are angry, the right ear becomes more receptive to sound than the left.

这种右耳倾向在马佐里和托马西的自然观察中再一次得到证实。This right-ear preference was confirmed in an observational study also carried out by Marzoli and Tommas.

左耳边的手机处于关机状态,而右耳一侧的手机正在播放一段长达50分钟的留言。The phone on the left ear was turned off, while the one on the right received a 50-minute recorded message.