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他们选定李方做他们的头头。They make Li Fang their leader.

率领是一个黉舍或企业的头头。A leader is the head of a school, or enterprise.

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十四岁的紫儿目前是家中的头头。Fourteen-year-old Violet is the head of the family now.

职权由数百名小头头分掌。Authority was distributed among hundreds of petty leaders.

处长不在,他成了处里的头头。The absence of the director left him the chief of the office.

演讲者头头是地道论述了一系列问题。The speaker discoursed knowledgeably on a variety of subjects.

妙戈在街上弹琴乞讨,却被乞丐头头驱赶。The wonderful gerben in the street begging, but beggars head drive.

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很幸运,这个人说他是粮食局的头头。Very lucky, this person says he is the head of commissariat bureau.

“所有东西都要转换成数字”团队的头头如是表示。"Everything must be turned into numbers, " said the head of the team.

这个跟FIFA的头头约瑟夫·布拉特有关,他就是个大傻瓜。Something to do with the head of FIFA, Sepp Blatter, being a big berk.

一些研究团队的头头直接来自博土新人。Some new heads of research teams have come straight from earning a Ph.D.

标准的波波头头发的每一层都有着具体的统一的长度。The standard bob follows a specific and uniform length for all the strands.

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你只不过是一小摄死心塌地的亲德分子头头,一个筋疲力尽的小头头。You're just the exhausted leader of a little group of earnest Kraut lovers.

施耐德说在这部电影中,邪恶是被镇上的头头们贪婪释放的。Snyder says the evil in this film was unleashed by the greed of city leaders.

较小头头的主要生活来源,是占据一个小职位,收点贿赂。The chief source of livelihood of lesser dignitaries was petty office and graft.

他是一个犯罪集团的头头,所以当他一进门,所有人都自动闪出一条道来给他。Everybody steps aside when he comes in because he is the big shot of a mafia gang.

属于政府、属于煤老板、属于大公司头头。Those who belong to the government, the coal bosses, the heads of big enterprises.

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祖母一脸苍白,警告那个把手伸向其中一个瓷碗的头头模样的人。Grandma became pale and alarmed as the man in charge reached for one of the china bowls.

这颗星星的全称来自阿拉伯的盗墓者头头,或者可以叫魔鬼头头。This star's proper name comes from the Arabic for head of the ghoul, or head of the demon.

头头还没批准我们的计划,我看也许去一趟拍拍马比会好些吧。The chief hasn't accepted out plan yet. I guess I'd better go in and polish the apple a bit.