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还可以用4枚“毒刺”空空导弹和一挺7.62毫米链式自动机枪。Four Sting missiles and a 7.62mm chain gun can be used, too.

讨论了空空导弹后射的工程实现问题。The realization to launch air-to-air missile backward is studied.

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结果阐明,实现空空导弹后射是可能的。The result shows it is possible to launch air-to-air missile backward.

本论文的工作,对雷达型空空导弹天线罩型号研制具有一定的参考价值。This paper has a reference value for development of air-to-air missile radomes.

最后,总结了2009年空空导弹研制出现的新特点。Finally, the new development features of air-to-air missiles in 2009 are summarized.

它携带中国设计的空空导弹,像是雷达制导的洛阳PL-12。It carries Chinese-designed air-to-air missiles such as the radar-guided Luoyang PL-12.

同时也没有升级的J-11可以兼容发射中国的主动雷达制导空空导弹PL-12。Neither are the upgraded J-11s compatible with China's own active-radar AAM, the PL-12.

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本文以某型远程空空导弹为背景设计了导弹的制导控制系统。The dissertation designs the guidance and control system of long range air to air missile.

讨论了空空导弹在大离轴角发射时的快速转弯控制律。An guidance law of agile turn of air to air missile in off-borsight launching is discussed.

研究了应用于空空导弹发动机中的一种少烟、低燃温下羟推进剂。This paper discusses the reduced smoke propellant of HTBP applied to air-to-air missile rocket motors.

探讨了双机合作条件下远程空空导弹的攻击技术。The paper discusses the technology of long-range air-to-air missile attacking by two cooperative fighters.

空空导弹弹道计算需要解算一组复杂的微分方程。A group of complex differential equations must be solved for the ballistic calculation of air-to-air missile.

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针对空空导弹的导引问题,基于模糊逻辑,提出一种新型智能导引律。Based on the fuzzy logic, a new proportional navigation law is given for the navigation of air-to-air missile.

以某型空空导弹四联装发射装置为例,对空间尺寸链的设计计算方法进行了研究。Based on an air-to-air four missile launching system, calculating method of space dimension chain is researched.

阐述了测试性分析的作用和意义,提出了适用于空空导弹初样阶段的测试性分析流程和详细方法。The process and method suitable with the testability analysis of air to air missile in original stage are given.

另外,两个翼尖分别加上了可以配备短程空空导弹的挂架,但是相对于EZ型,飞机的重量将会有六百公斤的增加。Wing-tip rails are added to mount two short-range AAMs for a weight penalty of 600 kg comparing to the Cheetah EZ.

他们刚刚拥有超视距空空导弹,而西方已经拥有更为先进的流星导弹。They have just got BVRAAMs, but the West is already moving on to much more sophisticated BVRAAMs such as the Meteor.

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对我国发展采用整体式固冲发动机的空空导弹具有重要的参考价值。It would be of great reference value for development of air-to-air missile propelled by integral solid ducted rocket.

长期以来拒绝为空军装备超视距空空导弹的巴基斯坦,现在已经将研制这种导弹的事项提到优先位置上来。Long denied a BVR AAM for its air force, the development of such a missile has been an obvious priority for Pakistan.

导轨式发射的空空导弹归零时间设计是系统总体设计的重要参数之一。The zero time of rail-launched air-to-air missile is one of the important parameters in overall missile system design.