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系统是在竖井中构建的。Systems are built in silos.

我们的目标是超越竖井。Our goal is to transcend silos.

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今天,模型集中在竖井中。Today, models are trapped in silos.

OCLC正在努力把这些数据的竖井连接起来。OCLC is working to connect these data silos.

暗井是地道内的下沉竖井。A shaft sunk inside a tunnel is called a winze.

他的声音从竖井下升起,如同天启神喻。His voice rose from the shaft like that of an oracle.

这些单一域应用程序也称为“竖井”应用程序。Those single-domain applications are said to be "siloed."

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此外,该数据竖井还包含失败事件数据。Furthermore, the data silo contains the Failed Event data.

不为所知的地下隧道及竖井对王家岭煤矿构成严重威胁。The unknown tunnels and shafts posed a serious risk to Wangjialing.

这是威利斯.哈奇养牛用的仓库和竖井。This is the barn and silo used for the cattle raised by Willis Hatch.

计算分为竖井封闭及竖井开启两种情况。The calculations are divided into two cases-closed shaft and open shaft.

在竖井的侧面固定了轨道以防止轿厢的晃动。Fixed the track in the shaft side to prevent the sedan theater box rocking.

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长江过江隧道采用了竖井式倒虹吸管的布置形式。The Changjiang rub-river tunnel is designed as inverted siphon with drop shaft.

每个功能塔所享有的自治权将导致采用竖井方式进行工作。The autonomy each functional tower enjoys lead to the working in a silo approach.

这些竖井和孤立就是SOA解决方案要斗争的对象。These silos and isolation are the things that the SOA solutions struggle against.

典型的企业具有许多独立、特定于任务的竖井系统。A typical enterprise has an abundance of monolithic, mission-specific, silo systems.

杰克将光束打入竖井,也请凯伦和妮雅照办。Jack directed his light down into the shaft and asked Karen and Gnea to do the same.

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今天的企业数据一般分散在多个应用“竖井”中。Today's enterprise data is typically scattered between multiple siloed applications.

安迪再次抓住钢管,他扭动着从洞里挤出,摇晃着进入竖井。Andy snags the conduit again. He contorts out of the hole and dangles into the shaft.

圆管胶带输送机是竖井提升煤炭的一种新方法。The circular tube belt conveyor is a new method for hoisting coal in a vertical shaft.