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不要糜费任何东西。Never waste every thing.

糜费食品是一种罪孽。It's a sin to waste food.

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太多学生把时间糜费在看电视。Too many students waste time on TV.

同时,也是一种宏大地资本糜费。Meanwhile, is also a huge waste of resources.

我们不能糜费当前珍贵的机遇。We must not waste the precious gift of this time.

在第一时间解决问题能够防止糜费时间和金钱。Problem can be avoided in the first time a waste of time and money.

我们不憎恨任何人-我们的能量太珍贵了,不能糜费给输家。We resent no one – our energy is too valuable to us to waste on losers.

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牛一蓓决议对两个孩子上课,通知他们两地分居有多糜费。The bud of two children resolution class, inform them how had separation.

用英语翻译。在第一时间处理问题能够防止糜费时间和金钱。Solving the problem at the first place can avoid the waste of both money and time.

长工夫的飞行总是很困难,由于它糜费了整整一天工夫并且没有什么活动的空间。Long flights are tough because it wastes a full day and I don't move around that much.

本人能给这罐的样本泛在本人们的会议上星期五,但本人不想糜费很多时间。I can give a sample of this tank to Pan at our meeting on Friday, but I don't want to waste to much time.

同时,在某些水平上也节约啦资本,防止啦糜费,削减啦啃老族地呈现。At the same time, in some extent, also save resources and avoid the waste and reduce the parasitical appeared.

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别的,应出格留意的一点,若有吃剩的食物,必然要打包带回家,以免糜费。In addition, special attention should be the point, if eating leftover food, packaging must bring home to avoid waste.

阿渚为了节食不时糜费粮食,这一幕恰巧被进之助撞到,生气的进之助上前狠狠经验了这个糜费的女孩。Zhu to diet, o from food, this scene had happened to be into aid hit, angry into aid forward mercilessly experience this had girl.

找到你的热情,持之以恒地追求它。别让本人被一个还债的的任务所累。生命太时间短了,更不成将之糜费在你所讨厌的任务上。Find your passion, and pursue it doggedly. Don't settle for a job that pays the bills. Life is too short to waste on a job you hate.

为乐怡瓶量身定制的配套漏斗,便于往瓶口中灌入液体、颗粒、粉末等等,防止因洒落形成的糜费和芜杂。The Roy funnel is especially designed for the Roy bottle. Easy to pour the liquid, granules, powders etc. into the bottle. It avoids wasteful and messy spilled.

新买芳草集的那款焕彩什么什么眼霜,听同窗的买的那款,先坚持用完再换不然糜费啊少用点也没事吧?Buy a new set of grass what what that paragraph Revitalizing Eye Cream, listening to a classmate to buy that section, the first run and back to insist otherwise Meifei ah fewer points are all right?