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一半是朝阳,一半是残月。Half is chaoyang, is waning moon.

残月,你有没有事啊?Is waning moon, do you have a stuff?

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残月是已死美人。The waning moon is the beauty who passed.

一刀残月淡觚棱,遥杛林梢晓色升。Gu moon light knife edge, looking Linshao Xiao color up.

残月朦胧,很快氤氲的月色已经被一朵黑漆漆的云给遮住了。The moon is dim, and soon her moon has been a dark cloud obscured.

晓风残月的这个观点我是不赞同的。This viewpoint of month of dawn wind damage I am not of approve of.

不知从何时起,东方升起了一弯残月。I do not know since when, rises in the east of the curved moonlight.

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加州旧金山海湾大桥上,一轮被吞噬的残月正冉冉升起。The moon is seen partially eclipsed as it rises over the San Francisco Bay Bridge in California.

每个人心中都有一轮明月抑或一弯残月,每个人都在得与失之间游离徘徊。Every one has a bright moon or the curved moonlight, everybody free hovering between gain and loss.

那一岸的晓风,那一弯的残月,离岸的青舟,相望的只能是永远?The breeze of that shore, that is curved waning moon, offshore green boat, hope mutually of can be forever?

这种独特情致源于作家“残月”情结制导下的体验。This unique interest and temperament originates from his personal experience guided by his "incomplete moon" complexion.

在今后几天里,地球上早期的人们将能欣赏到紧密相伴的金星和木星以及一轮残月。Over the next two days, early morning risers around the globe will be able to enjoy a close pairing of Venus and Jupiter with an old crescent Moon.

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残月被乌云遮掩,你怔住了,迷失在这无穷的月色中,惟有流泪。The crescent moon was covered by dark clouds. You were terrified, straying in the boundless moon overflowing. The only thing you could do was weeping.

地平线上一轮残月的特写,由国际空间站第24探险队成员拍摄。A last quarter crescent moon above Earth's horizon is featured in this image photographed by the Expedition 24 crew on the International Space Station.