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你知道我从来没有小产吗?Do you know that I never miscarried?

他上周刚小产,身子虚得很。He is very weak from last week's abortion.

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健康的小动物小产是不平常的事。It is uncommon for healthy animals to cast their young.

许多曾经小产的女人最终都生下了健康的宝宝。Many women who miscarry eventually have healthy babies.

我的祖母生了5个孩子,还多次小产。My grandmother had five children and many miscarriages.

有些母牛在怀孕初期小产。Some cows slip their calves in the early stages of pregnancy.

嫂子小产,却没有让任何人知道。The elder woman who had a miscarriage2 did not let anyone know about it.

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小产证办出前开发商能否单方解除合同?Ever run out of cards before developers can unilaterally cancelling the contract?

百分之五十五生下孩子,百分之二十九堕胎,其馀小产。Fifty-five per cent gave birth, 29 per cent had abortions and the rest miscarried.

女装款式既符合浪漫主义的特点,又适合小产阶级牛活方式的需求。Women's clothing was shaped according to the Romantic and suited the needs of the bourgeois lifestyle.

一些研究也记载了在怀孕期间由于咖啡碱的摄入而增加了小产的危险。Some researchers also document an increased risk of miscarriage associated with caffeine consumption prior to and during pregnancy.

即便她说的都是真的,你的情感责任到你们分手为止,你的经济责任到她小产为止。Even so, your emotional obligations to her ended when the relationship did, and your financial obligations ended with the miscarriage.

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我提分手后两个月,她说三周前她发现自己怀孕了,可是过了几天小产了。Two months after I ended it, she told me that three weeks previous she found out that she was pregnant and a few days later miscarried.

一次自发流产不影响乳腺癌的发病危险性,多次自发流产或小产仅仅轻度增加危险性。Having one spontaneous abortion did not affect the risk of breast cancer and having two or more spontaneous abortions only slightly increased the risk.

在怀孕前7个月由于小产,人工流产或早产而休假将不会作为产假处理,而是作为一般的病假。Leave on account of miscarriage, abortive measures or premature birth occurring during the first 7 months of pregnancy will not be treated as maternity leave but as normal sick leave.