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他醒过来,冻僵了。He woke.

她像被冻僵了似的坐着。She sat as if frozen.

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寒冷的天气使他的脚冻僵。The cold numbed his feet.

那个无家可归者被冻僵了。The homeless was benumbed with cold.

我在玉龙雪山上被冻僵了。I was frozen solid by the snow on Yulong Mountain.

那个无家可归者的手指冻僵了。The fingers of the homeless were benumbed with cold.

我们蹚着雪往家走,快要冻僵了。Walking home in the snow, we got chilled to the bone.

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他的手冻僵了,摸不到钥匙。His hands, numb from the cold, could not find the key.

女孩在火边让冻僵的手暖和起来。The girl thawed her frozen hands in front of the fire.

冻僵的尸体粘结在一起只能用开水将他们分开。The frozen corpses had to be separated with boiling water.

卡廷卡冻僵了,她的四肢都麻木了,浑身失去了直觉。Katinka froze, her limbs stiffened, and she fell motionless.

我低头看了看自己在芋头地里的脚趾,冻僵,沾满泥巴。I look down at my toes in the cool, black mud of the taro patch.

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一个路过的女人看到了这个冻僵了脚的小孩,她的心突然觉得很疼。A woman passing by saw the frosty-toed child and her heart ached.

那人说一月中旬我们会冻僵的,他说得很对。The man who said we'd be frozen up in mid-January said a mouthful.

他们或许可以感受一下寒冷将双手冻僵的情况。They might experience numbness in their hands because of the cold.

现在已经是冰天雪地了,更大的雪正飘落在已冻僵的街道上。It is freezing, and more snow is falling on already frozen streets.

“基本上,一切碳结构食品都冻僵了,”微安说到。"Basically everything with lots of carbs froze, " said Venn-Watson.

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然后到口袋中去掏火柴,但是他的手指已经冻僵了,根本就抓不住火柴。He reached into his pocket for the matches. But his fingers were frozen.

一开始它觉得挺恶心的,慢慢发现牛屎暖和了自己冻僵的身躯。At first he was disgusted, until he realised the poo was thawing him out!

游客在中午很容易中暑,而在晚上很容易冻僵。Tourists get sunstroke easily at noon while feel frozen stiff in the evening.