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我跟她约法三章,尽量清晰合理。I set some ground rules, trying to be clear and reasonable.

莉莉,特德是我们最好的朋友,我们先约法三章。Lily, Ted is our best friend, let's get something straight.

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婚事当晚,程咬金欲约法三章。Marriage that night, cheng bite gold to draw up three chapters.

你可以和你的朋友约法三章,你们只许讲英语。You can do this by rules with your friends that you will only speak English.

你可以和你的朋友约法三章,你们只许讲英语。You can do this by making rules with your friends that you will only speak English.

因为我没有时间去训练你们,所以我在这约法三章。Since I don't have the time to properly train you, I'm laying down three simple rules.

藤原薰先生对我们要求很严格,第一节课就和我们约法三章。Cany original embalm sir is very strict with us, first class and we start by three chapters.

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我已经和加布里埃尔约法三章了,他愿意遵守,每一条都愿意。I've laid out conditions for Gabriel, and he's willing to comply with them, every single one of them.

几位有相同志趣的朋友「约法三章」,规定除某些特殊场合之外,一律得讲英语。Several friends with the same interests can make a rule that except certain special occasions, all need to speak English.

金香与肃恭约法三章,却发现多宝躲在床底偷听他们对话。The incense ready and deal with the three chapters, only to find the treasure to hide in bed eavesdrop on their conversation.

雷刚看到儿子一脸不满,终与正龙约法三章,容许不再强迫他服从本人。LeiGang see son a face discontent, eventually with are dragon start three chapters, allow no longer forced him to obey himself.

本想跟弟弟来个约法三章的,追女孩不要伤感情最好不过了。I wanted to make a few regulations to be observed by all concerned originally , it was the best for not hurt our heart to go after the girl.

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当回到社会国家的层面上,一切还是应该约法三章,以法律规则作为办事准绳。只有在公权力完全获得伸张的情形下,社会才有公平可言,社会秩序也才能得以长期维持下去。In the state of nation and society, regulations and laws should be made for all concerned to follow so that public right is carried out and fairness becomes possible and social order is maintained.