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会有一非同凡响的节奏悦人之耳。An unusual rhythm will soothe the ear.

今天,我们发布了一条非同凡响的通告。Today, we make another significant announcement.

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有时候最简单的举动也非同凡响。Sometimes the simplest gesture can make a big statement.

制作工序使出来的成果非同凡响。The process makes the outcome seem all the more remarkable.

它非同凡响的色彩在其他植物中是非常稀罕的。Its unusual colour is shared by only a handful of other plants.

而今天,被准许放在我手上的这件物品绝对是非同凡响之物。And today I'm being allowed to hold something absolutely astonishing.

从他第一眼看到这个地方时,他就知道它是非同凡响的。From the moment he first saw it, he knew the place was extraordinary.

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说真的,很难想象在所有的科学门类中有哪个假设比这个来得更“非同凡响”了。”Indeed, it is hard to imagine a more momentous hypothesis in all of science.

而水疗中心则彷如都市中非同凡响的世外桃园,备有一系列特色疗程及护理服务。The spa is a sophisticated urban sanctuary featuring a series of therapies and treatments.

对人类影响巨大的疾病能通过普通的食物来减缓病情,这种意义实在是非同凡响。It must have been remarkable to see devastating diseases alleviated with common foodstuffs.

海丝特说得不错,人们的脸上确实闪耀着非同凡响的欢乐。It was as Hester said, in regard to the unwonted jollity that brightened the faces of the people.

总而言之,长得确实很漂亮,加上地位神仙放屁非同凡响,让这么多人绝倒也是正常的。In short, look indeed very beautiful, immortal farting in the extraordinary position, so many people Juedao is normal.

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另外的谢意归于所有那些不知名的树,在我讲述这个非同凡响的故事的时候,它们做出了牺牲。Other thanks go to all those unknown trees that have been sacrificed in the course of telling this extraordinary story.

能帮助体内排除毒素,对脾、胃、肠的运化非同凡响,美肤除皱显奇功。It can help the body eliminate toxins do good to the spleen, intestines and stomach, anti-wrinkle and whiten skin naturally.

这一课程的筹备非同凡响,我对北大以及北大在跨宗教信仰的对话中所发挥的作用表示感谢。The preparations for this course were remarkable and a great tribute to the university and to its role in interfaith dialogue.

从需求天平的角度出发,中国酒店业的需求发展非同凡响,以下实例为证。For the demand-side of the equation, China presents a very impressive market of growing hotel demand. Consider the following facts.

苏蒙画廊非常高兴此次能为各位提供主题为“裂肤之痛”的新画展,为各位参观者介绍四位非同凡响的艺术家的作品。Soemo Fine Arts is happy to present four different artist of exceptional expression in the new exhibition "Beyond the Broken Skin".

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配有辣根调料、西番莲高汤和薰衣草的生蚝棒极了,部分原因在于各种调料的搭配非同凡响。Raw oyster with horseradish, passionfruit purée and lavender is exciting partly because of the extraordinary juxtaposition of ingredients.

巴赛尔全球供应和市场高级副总裁,认为中海壳牌的这种合作和团队精神“非同凡响”。Yves Bonte, Basell senior vice president for global supply and marketing, called the CSPC's cooperative spirit and teamwork as 'extraordinary'.

中国教育发展的近期成就真的是非同凡响,当前中国在校大学生人数较1998年翻了六倍。China's recent progress in developing education has been truly phenomenal, with undergraduate enrollments growing an amazing six-fold since 1998.