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山色不厌远,我行随处深。Can I be far mountains, deep.

溪声含客怒,山色为谁浓。Stream audio with angry customers, for whom mountains thick.

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自然与人文相映,湖光与山色齐名!Natural and human form, scenery of lake and mountain combine!

山色是暗红的,土地看上去像是荒漠。The mountains are dark red here and the fields resemble a desert.

海光山色是开普敦的主要景观,也是开普敦的特色。Mountains and sea dominate the landscape and shape Cape Towns character.

山色浅深随夕照,江流日夜变秋声。With the afterglow mountains Qian Shen, Jiang Liu Shusei day and night change.

实际上,这家酒店的客房都设置在10个迷你型的岩穴里,可看到绝美的山色。Rooms are actually set in 10 different mini caves with spectacular mountain views.

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山色一片黝黑,一种看不透的神秘感在四周飘荡着,很诱惑力。And a swarthy, a kind of can't see through mystery in the air all around, very tempting.

黑黝黝的山色渐渐转淡,直到和埃尼斯做早饭时的炊烟浑然一色。The sooty bulk of the mountain paled slowly until it was the same color as the smoke from Ennis's breakfast fire.

登临其上可尽赏旭日东升的壮丽场面,亦可晴览山色、阴观云海。Board on which they can best enjoy the magnificent scenes of the rising sun, mountains can view clear, Yin Guanyun sea.

西部山区封龙山有许多文物古迹,山色秀丽、风景宜人,流传着诸多优美动人的传说。Longshan Mountain in the western closure has many cultural relics, beautiful scenery, scenery, many beautiful and moving down the legend.

青山隐隐孤舟微,山色空濛雨亦奇,那些西湖边的步履,那些频低的眉,荷心万点,君记否?Castle Peak is a mountain after Meng Yu micro, but strange, the West Lake side of the action, the frequency of low brow, Dutch Heart million points, you remember?

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住宅由三个木质覆层的体块构成,矗立在藻岩山一侧,藻岩山——俯瞰着北海道首府的观光胜地,林幽树茂,山色秀丽。The house, which comprises three timber-clad blocks, is positioned on the side of Mount Moiwa – a forested mountain overlooking Hokkadio Prefecture's capital city.

正因其山色秀丽,传说这里是神灵之宅,历史上众多的道客羽士来隐居修持,故而被誉为中国道教的“洞天福地”。For its enchanting scenery and the legend of home of gods, many Taoists and hermits came to cultivate, so Wudang Mountain was regarded as the origin place of China Taoism.

回望,惊醒于杭州诗情画意的美,“水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇”的绝世美景呈现在眼前。Look, in hangzhou poetic awakened the beauty, "cloud-covered mountains billow sunny side, by the rain also miraculousness" empty presented in sight of supernatural beauty.

“四面荷花三面柳,一城山色半城湖”,风光旖旎的景致,使济南被授予“中国首批优秀旅游城市”和“国家园林城市”称号。Lotuses and willows are all around the city, hills and lakes are all in sight. The charming scene Jinan is listed as the first awarded excellent tourist cities of China and the national garden city.