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它可以属于任何人。It could be anyone.

但是我属于守旧派。But I am old-school.

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加华是属于你们的学校。This is your school.

它们属于谁呢?Where do they belong?

卡卡属于上帝。Kaka belongs to Jesus.

那个钥匙环是属于她的。That key ring is hers.

我们属于伦敦市。We belong to the City.

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气候变化属于现实存在。Climate change is real.

双鱼属于水象星座。Pisces is a Water sign.

他们肯定属于某人。They belong to someone.

而你的艺术品仅属于你。But your art is for you.

光荣属于那些勇敢无畏的人。Glory to those who dare!

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那是属于穷人的。It belonged to the poor.

享受属于你的多彩生活!Enjoy your colorful life!

黄金属于神。Gold belonged to the god.

再问一次,你属于哪种人?Once again, what are you?

莫文蔚本来就是属于舞台的。She belongs to the stage.

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自己属于大器晚成型。You belong to built type.

我也不知道自己属于哪种“I don't quite know which."

你是属于哪种类型呢?In which category are you?