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他从烤果子奶油蛋糕白手起家。He baked the torte from scratch.

或许是我是“白手起家”,从平地上建我们自己的工厂?Or do we build our own plant from the ground up?

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史密斯几乎是白手起家,搞起了这家公司。Smith has worked the firm up from almost nothing.

蔡说,他的白手起家的故事是一个”温州的典型“。Cai says his Horatio Alger story is “typical of Wenzhou.

这个白手起家的亿万富翁也面临着问题。And therein lies the problem for this self-made billionaire.

他们是白手起家的,现在很成功。They've been created from scratch and they're very successful.

可是我们在1936年,白手起家,却能建起这一样的桥梁。Yet, we were able to build that same bridge from scratch in 1936.

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我以前像个孩子一样去了解钱的价值,并学着怎么样白手起家I learned as a child the value of money and how to get by without it.

她来到这个国家,白手起家,办起洗衣店。She came to this country, and she started a laundry business from nothing.

创办网络的好处在于你可以白手起家。The beauty of starting a Web business is that you can do it on a shoestring.

詹姆斯•麦切纳刚生下来就成了弃儿,他完全是白手起家。James Michener began life as a foundling and started with absolutely nothing.

自1994年以来,上海已经白手起家开发了其城市铁路网络。Since 1994, Shanghai has been developing its urban rail network from scratch.

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陈光标资产身价到底有多少?陈光标是如何白手起家的?Chen Guangbiao asset price how many? Chen Guangbiao is how to start empty-handed?

如果你擅长网站建设,可创建新网站,从博客开始白手起家。If you are good at building websites, create new websites and blogs from scratch.

看着心血结晶的诞生,我们都非常激动,因为一切都是白手起家的。We were so excited to see the birth of this baby, as we had started from scratch.

但具体到长期政策方面,他现在是白手起家,未来将会面临更大的问题。But on the long-term stuff, he is laying the groundwork for bigger future problems.

任何一位白手起家的人总是在某种思想的指导下,从小生意做起,然后不断做大。Every self-made person started small with an idea, then turned it into something big.

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只是富二代与白手起家的富豪之间的区别是,富二代认为这些财富成了一种特权,而白手起家的富豪认为财富靠努力得到。The distinction is often between thinking that wealth is a right rather than a privilege.

据Wealth-X称,在全世界的294名女性亿万富翁中,只有49名是自己白手起家的。According to Wealth-X, of the 294 female billionaires in the world, only 49 are self-made.

他白手起家,把一家小工厂办成了跨国企业。He started from scratch, developing a small factory into an internaational business group.