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玉楼缥缈孤烟际。Jade floor dimly discernible solitary smoke border.

乡村的炊烟凝结细雨中,如此缥缈。In the drizzling rain the village smoke congealed, concealed.

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海角天涯纵踪迹缥缈,魂归故土心可鉴。Longitudinal trail far-off regions ethereal, go native heart mirror.

春夏之交,常有海市、海滋出现,虚幻缥缈,美不胜收。Spring and summer, often mirage, Long John Silver's there, fantasy ethereal, beautiful.

漫野的绿色填补了生活的空白,缥缈的七彩洋溢着青春的风采。Thee green life fills the diffuse field blank, misty colorful filled with youthful style.

苏童小说言说了缥缈时空中个体生命的孤独。Su Tong gave us a description about loneliness of individual life in the wide space-time in his novels.

最开始的云石薄而缥缈的卷云,紧接着是成片的卷层云和高层云。The first clouds are thin, wispy cirrus, followed by sheets of cirrus and cirrostratus and altostratus.

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沉浸在牙买加的闪闪发光的海滩,隐蔽的瀑布,缥缈的日落和世界著名的雷鬼场景。Indulge in Jamaicas shimmering beaches, hidden waterfalls, ethereal sunsets and world-famous reggae scene.

可今天回想起来,那个梦想多像天上的云彩,美丽却缥缈。However, when I recalls it today, that dream is like the cloud in the sky, which is beautiful but illusive.

网络经济的超高期许,幻化出无数缥缈的泡泡。The freeboard of network economy period make, unreal changes the hubble-bubble that gives countless dimly discernible.

你感觉到你的灵魂随时都可能飘升到缥缈的空际,死神的面貌就象你亲爱的朋友那样熟悉。You felt that it was ready to be wafted away on the immaterial air, and death bore all the aspect of a beloved friend.

烟雨蒙蒙的季节,轻烟薄雾中给人缥缈而隐约的感觉,雾色中的蓝莓格外诱人,空气中仿佛也带着一丝甜香。The gray raining season strikes people as misty, the blueberry in the fog is so tempting, and the air seems to be sweet.

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既然爱情是心里最美、最沉重和最缥缈的诗篇,就从这里开始,从未知的位置结束。Since love is the most romantic 、the deepest and the most tenuous poem, we are from here and end from some where unknown.

远处传来缥缈的歌声,而无数的麻雀在房檐上叽叽喳喳地叫着。The notes of a distant sing which someone was singing reached her faintly, and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves.

因此,雨林里的湿度都很高,为了验证这一点,人们只需登到雨林华盖之上的观察塔,去亲眼看看那些环绕在脚下缥缈的雾霭。Hence the rainforest’s high level of humidity, visible from the observation tower in diaphanous cloudlets drifting over the canopy.

很多曾经的梦想和希冀都在现实的激流中沉淀,留下的是昨日梦幻缥缈的美丽。Many dreams and expectations have fallen to the bottom of the flowing river of reality, only leaving a loop of beauty shining mistily.

延时摄影领域大师迈克尔柯希尼——他用摄自国际空间站的一组地球照片制作了几段缥缈,令人赞叹的视频。Artist Michael Konig used shots taken from the International Space Station to compose several ethereal, awe-inspiring time-lapse videos.

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我们时常见到一种若隐若现、可望而不可及、缥缈如卧花之梦的景象在空间或我们自己的脑海中浮动。One beholds floating, either in space or in one's own brain, one knows not what vague and intangible thing, like the dreams of sleeping flowers.

我们时常见到一种若隐若现、可看而不可及、缥缈如卧花之梦的景象在空间或我们自己的脑海中浮动。One beholds floating, either in space or in one's own brain, one knows not what vague and intangible thing, like the dreams of sleeping flowers.

节日的喧嚣,燥动的心境,放纵的无聊,原来这些所谓的放松都是那样的缥缈,让心无法停靠。Festival noise, dry immobile state of mind, indulge in boring, all these so-called relaxation are the kind of misty, so that mind can not be docked.