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我遇上了高峰时间的车辆,寸步难行。I got caught in the rush-hour traffic.

可是一把椅子拦住了她的路,让她寸步难行。The chair was stuck to her and she could hardly walk.

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三个女学生在暴风雨中行驶,几乎寸步难行。Three college girls driving in a hard-driving rainstorm crash their car.

她脸部严重烧伤,没有拐杖则寸步难行。She was seriously burned on her face, she could not walk a step without a stick!

还有一些陷在了中间的沙滩上,寸步难行。Others make it to the sand bank in the middle but from there they are unable to move.

我们不断地给自己增重直到寸步难行,我们绝不容许一个失误,生活就是不断移动。We weight ourselves down until we can't even move. And make no mistake, moving is living.

对一些人而言,没有了车就寸步难行,汽车技师对他们就很重要了。For some people, it is hare to live without car, and a car mechanic is essential for them.

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也许是慢性拖沓,或也许只是感到太无奈以至于感到寸步难行。Maybe it's chronic procrastination or maybe you're just so overwhelmed that you feel paralyzed.

今天的街头真是寸步难行,因为奥巴马和贾斯汀·比伯同时造访纽约。In New York City today, no one was able to move as both President Obama and Justin Bieber visited.

如果有人非想进去看一看,哪怕仅仅步入齐胸高的杜鹃丛,也是寸步难行。The first few steps into the thicket, even one that is only chest-high, require the strength of an ox.

假如没有帆,船怎么航行?假如没有友谊,人生路上会寸步难行!How can a boat navigate by water without sail?How difficultly for a man lives on if he hasn't a friend!

没有你世界寸步难行,我困在原地任回忆凝集。The your world has not been difficult, I am stranded in-situ, no matter what recollection agglutination.

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没有你世界寸步难行,我困在原地任回忆凝集。The your world has not been difficult, I was stranded in-situ, no matter what recollection agglutination.

在这里,如果你无法得到至少几个人的支持,那么在政治上你将寸步难行。You can’t get much of anything done politically here if you don’t have the support of at least a few people.

现在我们进入了一个新的阶段,一个希望的阶段。没有钱我们寸步难行。"Now we are entering a new phase, the expectation phase. We can not do anything without money, " Jibril said.

反之,大家对你退避三舍、甚至与你抗衡,你无论花上多大的代价,却是寸步难行的。On the other hand, we avoid you, and even against you, you have to spend no matter how great a price, but the step.

若换在三年前,你的职业生涯这会儿可能早就更上一层楼了,可眼下由于经济环境不景气,你陷在原地寸步难行。Three years back you would have moved on by now, but you're sticking where you are because of the economic climate.

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可以说,没有信息技术支撑,金融企业的运营与发展将寸步难行。It can be said, if there is no information technology, financial business operations and development will be unable to be executed.

“老实说,如果没有有钱人来帮你走出困境,一个企业将寸步难行”他说道。"Frankly, if you are an entrepreneur who cannot find a rich person to help you out, then you are not going to get anywhere, " he says.

当我想要冲到那姑娘那里去时,我首先会撞在我的武士们的矛尖上,在这儿就已是寸步难行。When I wanted to rush to the girl, I would first hit the spears of my warriors and it was impossible to move even one step further here.