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一块羊脂白玉的价值动辄成千上万,甚至价值连城。One suet-jade may costs thousands of money or even priceless.

清代重白玉,尤尚羊脂白玉,黄玉极少,也受到爱重。Qing heavy white, especially white tallow yet, topaz few, have also been re-love.

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这就是为什么你看到在绝大多数保湿剂里都有像凡士林、羊脂、和矿物质油之类的东西。That's why you see things like petrolatum, lanolin , and mineral oil in most moistuirizers.

婚礼之前,部落勇士和姑娘们用褐土混合羊脂制造的珠子饰物装扮得美轮美奂。Before weddings, warriors and beaded girls prepare by applying makeup of red ocher and sheep fat.

年长的修女端起羊脂球的杯子,放到那女人的嘴边,喂了她几滴葡萄酒。The elder nun held Boule de Suif'scup to the woman's lips and made her swallow a few drops of wine.

不要使用洗盘机里使用的清洁剂或任何含漂白剂或羊脂的清洁剂。Don't use the detergent you use in your dishwasher or any detergent that contains bleach or lanolin.

茶花女与羊脂球是世界文化长廊中的两个经典的人物形象。Camellia Woman and Ball of Fat, are two of the world's literature classic gallery image of women prostitutes.

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比如黄油,奶油,牛羊脂,猪脂,椰子油,乳制品等含有饱和脂肪的食物应尽可能减少使用量。We minimize the use of saturated fats found in foods such as butter, ghee, suet, lard, coconut oil and dairy products.

其明星产品“修复膏”,含维生素A和D以及羊脂,帮助修复塑眉后浅小的肌肤伤口。One of their signature products "Fix", contains Vitamin A and D, and is used as an aftercare product in brow resurrection.

羊脂玉曾作为送往北京皇宫的贡品,它也成为了被镶入08年奥运会金牌的材料。Yangzhi jade, which was backed the gold medals in the 2008 Olympic Games, used to be sent as tribute to the imperial court in Beijing.

张老板为记者展示了收藏的一块和田羊脂玉,羊脂玉质地细腻,光泽滋润,质坚而又富于韧性。Boss Zhang for journalists showed a collection of Hotan white jade , white jade and fine texture, luster moisture, hard and yet rich in toughness.

他轻轻除去她的衬衫,让她坐在盆边,身上只剩下乳罩和三角裤,丰满的双肩白如羊脂玉。He lightly undresses her blouse and let her sit down on the edge of the tub with only bra and briefs. Her shoulders are as chubby as a baby, as white as ivory.

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它通过法国各阶层的不同态度,揭露了大资产阶级的自私和虚伪,赞扬了羊脂球的牺牲精神。It reveals the selfishness and hypocrisy of the upper bourgeois and praises Boule de Suif's sacrifice through various attitudes of different classes in France.

玛格丽特对爱情的执着追求,羊脂球表现出的强烈的自尊与爱国情怀,让我们看到了同样美好的人性和纯洁的灵魂。From marguerite 's clinging pursuance of love, ball of fat's consuming amour-propre and patriotism, we can see that both of them have brave humanism and chaste soul.

可第二天早上他们继续前往勒阿弗尔时,这些“德行的代表”却疏远羊脂球,只尖酸刻薄地瞥了一眼这位年轻女子。However, as they continue on their way to Le Havre the next morning, these "representatives of virtue" ignore Boule de Suif and glance scathingly at the young woman.

器型简单,但釉色温润柔和,在半无光状态下有如羊脂玉,并截取定窑、越窑的装饰技法,形成独特的艺术风格。Type simple, but soft and moist glaze, in a state of semi-matt like white jade, and intercept Ding, Yue Kiln decorative techniques to create a unique artistic style.

马车在离开敌占区时被一名普鲁士军官拦截。军官告诉车上的人,除非羊脂球同意同他过夜,否则他们就会被扣留。The carriage is stopped by a Prussian officer on the way of leaving and the travelers are told by the officer that they will be detained unless Boule de Suif agrees to sleep with him.

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在那厅里的壁炉上燃着一支羊脂烛,照着三个男人,一个立着,一个跪着,一个倒在地上,穿件衬衫,直挺挺躺在方砖地上。In that room, which was lighted by a tallow candle standing on the chimney-piece, there were three men, one standing erect, another kneeling, and one lying at full length, on the floor in his shirt.