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王子尚大意轻敌而输掉比赛。The prince is careless lightly and lose the game.

他后悔我自己过于轻敌了。He deeply regretted that he had taken the enemy too lightly.

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今日相逢,不可轻敌。Today we have crossed his path and must not take him lightly.

我认为球员们拿球的时候有些过分自信,以至于轻敌了。I think the players just played with too much confidence sometimes when they had the ball.

但有时候对阵强队会比对阵弱队好,至少在那种情况下我们不会出现轻敌的状况。But sometimes it's better to play the top teams because at least there's no danger of complacency.

妈妈接受教训,再不敢“轻敌”,把小凳子挪到另外一个房间,放在高处,再把门关紧。Now I know how smart this seventeen month baby is. I put the stool in another room and closed the door well.

然而这种错误,往往有一种“左”倾轻敌的错误为之先行。We should criticize wrong ideologies whether they are "Left" or Ri. htm"Left" error of underestimating the enemy.

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但是胜利到来的感觉是非常美妙的。我们最大的敌人就是太放松、轻敌。我们才是自己最大的敌人。But it's good to be aware that defeat can happen. Our biggest enemy is being too relaxed. We are our own biggest enemy.

我们没有轻敌,我认为现在也没人会轻视他们了,因为他们在主场击败了曼联。We didn't take them lightly and I don't think anyone will now that they've beaten Manchester United on their own patch.

我们必须在比赛中好好表现,并且从一开始就集中精力,因为轻敌的错误被证明是很致命的。We have to work well and be motivated from the start of the clash because the slightest mistake could prove to be fatal.

在对阵钢人的第二场比赛之前,海因克斯警告球队不要因为第一回合的大胜就过于轻敌。Before the game against Metalist Kharkiv coach Jupp Heynckes warned of being too sure because of the 4-0 win in the first leg.

米德尔斯堡的老板索斯盖特对自己球队的表现很满意,并警告曼联别轻敌。Middlesbrough boss Gareth Southgate was delighted with his side's performance, and warned United not to write them off ahead of the replay.

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不只是防守,我们整个球队都轻敌了,比如有个必进的球都打丢了。There was carelessness not only in defence, but from the whole team, as for instance on the occasion when once again a goal was conceded from a dead-ball situation.

盖尔•克利希认为导致枪手在伯明翰身上翻船的一个主要原因在于之前的联赛进行得过于顺利导致球队的轻敌。By Richard Clarke Gael Clichy believes one of the reasons for Arsenal's disappointing draw against Birmingham on Saturday is that they have had things too easy so far this season.

所以只要对上弱队,湖人就必须好好打,不要轻敌,这样一来主力就能获得更多的休息时间,这对季后赛也有帮助。However, the regular season is not something to be taken lightly. There are many things the Lakers can accomplish to better their chances of winning a third-straight championship.

安德斯。林德嘉德将在周末出战足总杯对卡罗利城的比赛,丹麦人认为曼联不会轻敌。Anders Lindegaard is in line to make his first Old Trafford appearance against Crawley Town on Saturday, and the Dane insists United are not contemplating the ramifications of an FA Cup upset.

网队在防守方面加大了压力是马刺队有22次犯规,但马刺队教练波波维奇使他年轻的球队过于粗心、轻敌。The Nets' increased pressure on defense led to 22 Spurs turnovers, but San Antonio coach Gregg Popovich chalked up the carelessness with the ball on his young team taking the Nets too lightly.