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还有投射机制。There is projection.

这就是投射。That'sall projection.

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缺少四盏投射灯!Missing four spotlights!

我把这称为睡眠投射。I call this sleep projection.

一条黑影由石屋的门那里投射进来。A shadow fell across the door of the hut.

可以在任何天花板投射夜空的景象。Full night sky projection on any ceiling.

一声尖锐的哨声,眼中投射出的愤怒眼神,一场极端严重的全面交通堵塞的威胁就这样避免了。An angry stare. The threat of gridlock faded.

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他们在你身上投射了一道咒符,你知道吗,犹太人。They cast a spell on you, you know, the Jews.

投射灯可获得最准确定型位置。Projection lamp is helpful for exact location.

在正交模式下投射的一半尺寸。Projection's half-size when in orthographic mode.

云影投射于草地上。The clouds projected their shadows onto be grass.

周围的人都对他投射出惊异的眼光。All those around him looked at him with amazement.

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确保你的光线投射形成正确的摄像机。Make sure you are Raycasting form the right camera.

未来只是没有现实的一种投射而已。The future is just a projection with no reality to it.

隐喻在复合词中的投射有不同层面。Metaphor project on different levels of compound words.

光线自光源发出后投射到一个漫射器d上,如图6.8所示。Light from the source falls on a diffuser D, Figure 6.8.

涡轮激光炮和牵引波束投射器点缀在飞船表面。Turbolasers and tractor beam projectors dot its surface.

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她总是将自己的神经病投射到她的同事身上。She always projects her own neuroses onto her colleagues.

它们都是从房间外面投射到房间里的全息照相。They are holograms projected into the rooms from outside.

在伦敦动物园,一只长颈鹿的影子投射在墙上。A giraffe casts a shadow against a wall at the London Zoo.