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我以「后乡土文学」一词定义新一代的小说品种。I use the term "post-regional literature" to define those texts.

现代乡土文学事实上有三个流派。In fact, the modern native literature can be divided into three sects.

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20世纪的乡土文学是中国现代文学的重要组成部分。Rural literature is a important part in China modern literature of 20's century.

作为乡土文学的主将,他却进行着都市题材的创作。Although he is the representative of the rural literature, his works focus on city.

鲁迅和安德森创造了相同的乡土文学主题和相似的畸人形象。Lu Xun and Anderson create the same provincial literary themes and grotesque character images.

乡土文学是中国“五四”文学革命后形成的最早的文学流派。Country literature is the earliest school of literature in China after "May 4th" literature revolution.

其乡土文学的总体特征是具有真实的自然之美和浓郁的民俗韵味。The general features of his rural literature are real natural beauty and strong flavour of folk custom.

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乡土文学是中国现代文学的重要类别,现实性是其艺术生命所在。Rural literature is an important genre in Chinese modem literature, with realism as its artistic vitality.

鲁迅的乡土文学观与乡土小说实践是现代乡土文学艺术之源。Lu Xun' s views on local literature and writing practice of local novels are the source of modem local literature.

笔者认为,刘玉堂的“沂蒙山系列小说”对中国乡土文学的发展做出了有益的探索。The author thinks that Liu Yutang's "Yimeng Mountain series novels" influences the Chinese provincial literature deeply.

两位大师迥异的表现内容,参差对照、互映互衬,共同建构了丰富多元、绚烂多姿的乡土文学艺术世界。The two literary masters echoed each other in contrasted writing style, which enriched the literary writing of the time.

就总体上讲,河南乡土文学形成了对乡土文化负面价值批判为主导的文化品格。On the whole, the Henan rural literature has formed dominant cultural character to criticism about negative value of rural culture.

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台湾现代主义文学在乡土文学兴起后的变化情形,是一个耐人寻味的问题。The changes on Taiwan's modern literature after the emergence of nativist literature have always been an issue worthy of discussion.

苇岸的散文本质上是对现代文学史上乡土文学的继承,并表现出自己的独创性。In essence, Wei An's prose inherits from the country literature in the history of modern literature, and displays its own creativity.

沈从文的全人类学观和乡土文学创作方法主要来自他对湘西文化的理解。The whole anthropology view and the local literature creations method of Shen Congwen comes from his comprehension of the Xiangxi culture.

第二章,对当前中学语文教材中的乡土文学作品进行了宏观的分析。Second chapter, has carried on the macroscopic analysis to in the current middle school language teaching material regional literature work.

本文从目前唯一有影响力的“农村80后”作者李傻傻入手,具体分析新生代的乡土文学。From Li Shasha, the only influential writer of "country post-1980s", the article gives an analysis on the local-color literature of new generation.

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引言部分主要介绍了乡土文学的发展演变,以及新乡土小说创作在整个乡土文学创作中的地位。Introduction part mainly introduces the evolution of local literature, and the creation of new local novel's position in the entire Local Literature.

从人类学的角度来看,沈从文的乡土文学标志着中国乡土文学研究新范式的确立。In the eyes of the anthropology, the local literature of the Shen Congwen symbolizes the real sign of a new type of Chinese local literature research.

贾平凹是当代有重要影响的乡土文学作家,浓厚的乡土情结已成为贯穿其小说创作的一条重要精神线索。Jia Pingwa is an influential country writer in the contemporary era, with strong country complex as an important spiritual thread in all of his novels.