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合伙人退伙Partner has left the company.

亚历克认识到他可能把他的钱和时间花得更划算些,就决定退伙了。Alec decided to cash in as he realized he might spend his time and money more wisely.

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退伙事由实际发生之日为退伙生效日。The retirement shall take effect as of the date the cause for retiring actually arises.

前款规定的退伙以实际发生之日为退伙生效日。The withdrawal from partnership as stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall take effect on the date the fact occurs.

退伙时有未了结的合伙企业事务的,待该事务了结后进行结算。If there are partnership affairs still outstanding at the time of his retiring, the accounts shall be settled afterwards.

其他合伙人未能一致同意的,该无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的合伙人退伙。Where the other partners fail to reach a consensus on the matter, the partner in question shall retire from the partnership.

被除名人自接到除名通知之日起,除名生效,被除名人退伙。The expulsion shall become effective as of the date of receipt of notice of expulsion, and the expelled partner shall withdraw from the partnership.

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退伙人对给合伙企业造成的损失负有赔偿责任的,相应扣减其应当赔偿的数额。Where the retiring partner is liable for the losses caused to the partnership, the amount for the compensation payable shall be deducted from his share of property.

第五十三条退伙人对基于其退伙前的原因发生的合伙企业债务,承担无限连带责任。Article 53 The retiring partner shall bear unlimited joint and several liability for the debts the partnership comes to owe due to causes that arise prior to his retirement.

第三十一条合伙人应当对出资数额、盈余分配、债务承担、入伙、退伙、合伙终止等事项,订立书面协议。Article 31 The partners shall conclude a written agreement on amounts of capital contribution, profit distribution, debt sharing, and entry into, withdrawal from, and termination of, the partnership.