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地下湖。Underground lake.

雨大点儿地下着。It rained large drops.

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到那边,有地下铁路可搭吗?。Can I go there by subway?

雨滴答滴答地下个不停。The rain kept chittering.

地下输送机。The underground conveyer.

泥浆从地下冒出来。Mud oozed from underground.

雪片霏霏地下着。Snow was falling in flakes.

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根是地下的枝,枝是空中的根。Braches are roots in the air.

我可能搭乘地下铁时,遗忘在那里。I may forget it in the Metro.

你走天桥,我走地下道。Let you go, I go underground.

矿工们在地下劳动。Miners work under the ground.

埋入地下的是沾血的利斧。Buried was the bloody hatchet.

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他在地下铁上对着我微笑。He smiled at me on the subway.

你喜欢坐地下铁吗?Do you like to take the subway?

毛毛雨已经时停时续地下了一整天。It drizzled off and on all day.

在那地下铁,她对我喜笑颜开。She smiled at me on the subway.

我们还有一部分地下的区域,and there's an underground area

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敬辞怎样前去地下铁路站?。How do I get to the metro station?

我最爱的还有地下的海草地毯。And the sea grass rug – I adore it!

这房子有一条地下通道。The house has an underground passage.