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为自己铺下一条更平坦更漫长的路。I have long way to go.

真爱之路从来不平坦。Te road to true love never flat.

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道路从来不可能总是平坦的通途。The path has never been perfect.

真爱之路从不平坦。The road to love is never smooth.

股市下滑,恢复道路不平坦。Stocks slide as recovery sputters.

工人们已经把路弄得平坦了。The workers have graded the roads.

在科学上是没有平坦的大路可走的。There is no royal road to science.

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我们正徒步跋涉在平坦的大道上。We are trudging a plain high road.

海岸附近地势变得很平坦。The land flattens out near the coast.

他会选择从平坦之途入侵He's going to attack on the easy pass.

中绿色叶,平坦叶面。标准型。Medium green, plain, ovate . Standard.

融化的冰水在平坦冰冻的海面上形成水坑。The meltwater puddled the flat sea ice.

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真诚悳爱情之路永远不会是平坦悳。The course of true love never did smooth.

北风苔原宽阔,平坦而又寒冷。The Borean Tundra is wide, flat, and cold.

身躯的被毛浓密、直、且平坦。The body coat is dense, straight and flat.

即使生活不会一路平坦,也要爱伊文到永远。Even, life is not even, love Even for ever.

然而大多数人都选择防守平坦之途了Nevertheless, almost all of you chose easy.

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浅水三角洲前缘平坦、开阔。Shallow-water delta front is flat and widen.

可能的话尽量选择平坦的柏油路面。Try to find a flat asphalt road if possible.

真诚的爱情之路永远不会平坦的。The courie of true love never did run smooth.