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他们属于同一门类。They are of the same class.

这个门类下的乳酪大军可谓浩浩荡荡。A great range of cheeses fall into this category.

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经典音乐很难被视为有增长潜力的商业门类。Classical music hardly seems like a growth business.

你经常在书店里浏览哪个门类?What section of the bookstore do you usually peruse?

版画,也是中国美术的一个重要门类。Printmaking , is also an important Chinese art classes.

然而,制造业门类必将有所改变。However, the kinds of manufacturing will necessarily change.

神仙道化剧乃元杂剧中的一个重要门类。Immortal-taoism opera is important in Zaju of the Yuan Dynasty.

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汉和辞典是日本语文词典的一个主要门类。Kanwa dictionary is a main kind of Japanese philological dictionary.

销售CD是要依靠其它的文化产业门类的。The sales of CDs are dependent upon other cultural industry businesses.

在装饰艺术中,植物纹样是装饰题材的重要门类。In decorative art, plant pattern is an important kind of decorative theme.

纸艺是一门既古老又现代的传统艺术门类。The skill of paper is a door of old and modern traditional artistic class.

文化产业无疑是一个非常大的产业门类。Cultural industry is a very large category for certain types of businesses.

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说真的,很难想象在所有的科学门类中有哪个假设比这个来得更“非同凡响”了。”Indeed, it is hard to imagine a more momentous hypothesis in all of science.

矿物药是传统中药三大门类之一。Mineral medicine is one of three categories of traditional Chinese medicine.

这张长长的酒单中所浓缩的文化和所代表的门类是全北京独一无二的。This wine list now is among the most learned and diverse lists in the whole city.

作为表演艺术的一个门类,钢琴艺术包括钢琴独奏、重奏、伴奏三种表演形式。Piano art as one of performance art , contains piano solo, duet and accompaniment.

口述自传是当今传记文学中的一个崭新门类。This paper describes the characteristics of the writing style of oral autobiography.

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蓝印花布是传统工艺的重要门类。The handicraft of blue allover is one of the important kinds of traditional handicraft.

而数字财富管理是一种金融科技门类,当下仍然处于上升期。Digital wealth management is a fintech category that is still climbing its way to the peak.

皮安表是安培表的一个门类,其实质上是静电计中安培表功能的延续。A picoammeter is an ammeter built along the lines of the ammeter function of an electrometer.