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那简直就是一件凶器。It looked like a weapon.

警察在这个地区仔细搜索,寻找凶器。Police combed the area for the murder weapon.

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然而,没有血腥,没有凶器也能构成一级谋杀么?What if there is no blood though? No actual murder weapon?

随后,警方以非法私藏凶器为由逮捕了该男子。Police arrested the man for illegal possession of a weapon.

就在这期间,发生了一起凶器明显是谷本手枪的案件。Someone had taken Tanimoto s gun away after he committed suicide.

那件被疑为杀人凶器的东西在他的审判会上被作为证据出示。The supposed murder weapon was produced in evidence at his trial.

暴乱或企图暴乱之后都会找到很多凶器。After a riot or an attempt on somebody's life, they find a lot of these.

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月色下,四层骑楼上爬满了黑衣的杀人凶器!The moonlight, four layers overhang was crawling with black murder weapon!

没尸体、没凶器、没血,但病娇酱不理智。No corpses, no weapons, no pools of blood, but Yandere-chan drenched in blood.

第一,携带凶器抢夺转化为抢劫犯罪。Frist, carrying the lethal weapon to grab and turning into the crime of robbing.

警方目前依然想把它找出来,将绑在其脚上的杀人凶器解下来。The police are still searching for it so that the razor could be taken from the leg.

凶器既然已经发现,那么对自卫一说提供了有利物证。And if a weapon was found, then that lends real credence to self-defense as a motive.

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有几具尸体,没凶器,但有血,病娇酱不理智。Multiple corpses and no weapons, but pools of blood and Yandere-chan drenched in blood.

警方发现了凶器,这个案子的各方面事实就一下子连得起来了。When the police found the murder weapon, the facts of the case suddenly began to add up.

凶器在Lincoln家里被发现,并且他衣服上有受害人的血迹。The murder weapon is found in Lincoln’s house and the victim’s blood is all over his clothes.

他们中的一些人有棍棒和刀子,其他人则拿着铁链等凶器。Some of them had machetes and knives and others had chains with padlocks . They just ran at us.

这时清平来了,他解释那扳手凶器是天风拿的,自己并不知情。When the Qingping came, he explained that with the wrench is the weapon of wind, he did not know.

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受害女性被捆绑和控制的方式,凶器的类型,还有...The manner in which the women were immobilized and controlled. The type of cutting instrument used.

军队是国家的凶器,将领肩负着重大责任。To the nation, the army is like a weapon, thus the general that commands the army has great responsibilities.

你的笔录,凶器,8英寸的厨房刀,最后发现被捅进了你当年嫌犯的胸口。Your notes, murder weapon, 8 inch kitchen knife, which turned out plunged into the chest of your lead suspect.