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这个故事叫做“乞力马扎罗雪。”The story is called "The Snows of Kilimanjaro."

精品茶叶,特色工艺马扎,风筝,高档化妆品等。Tea boutique, special technology camp, kite, high-end cosmetics etc.

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由之前的一个教学人员让,拉马扎尼所编。It's edited by Jahan Ramazani, formerly a Teaching Fellow in this course.

马扎尔骑兵是天生的弓骑兵,装备复合弓和轻型链甲。These natural horsemen are armed with a composite bow and wear light armour.

如果你之前从未听过马扎小子的邮件,那么你真该好好的搜出来看看。If you haven’t heard of Guy Macon’s Original Post before, you should check it out.

迈克尔马扎是美国企业研究所的一名资深研究员。Michael Mazza is a senior research associate at the American Enterprise Institute.

还有祖辈居住乌拉尔山脉彼侧一个叫做大马扎尔的地方的匈牙利人呢?Or the Hungarians, who originated across the Urals in a place called Greater Hungary?

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此后我们将继续前往坦桑尼亚,在那里我们要攀登乞里马扎山。After that, we'll be moving on to Tanzania, where we're going to clime Mount Kilimanjaro.

是的,还有甲骨文。这说明了中国人和马扎尔人之间的关系。Yes chinese turtleback words also. it indicate the connections between chinese and magyar.

弗里斯塔,57岁,居住在离坦桑尼亚北部著名的乞力马扎罗市特别近的Shirimgungani。Felista Thomas, 57, lives in Shirimgungani, close to the famous Kilimanjaro in northern Tanzania.

前后数据的鲜明对照,显示出乞力马扎罗顶端的雪盖近年来不断缩小。Before-and-after shots show the snowy cap atop Kilimanjaro growing smaller and smaller over the years.

我没有去过摩洛哥,我想这次去马扎甘可能是个最好的选择。I've never been to Morocco before, so to come here for Mazagan is kind of the best way to come, I guess.

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三个病人需要比较复杂的修复,他们还需要求助乞力马扎罗基督教医学中心。Three patients needed such complicated repairs that they were referred to the Kilimanjaro medical center.

巴比尔省的警察局长凯伊斯·哈马扎·阿布德将军中午在他的车队遭袭时身亡。Gen. Qais Hamza Aboud, police chief for the Babil province, was killed in the midday attack on his convoy.

而海明威也在开篇提到,在乞力马扎罗的山顶僵卧着一只冻死的豹子。Hemingway mentions the frozen carcass of a leopard near the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro in his opening words.

当你感激你现在拥有的东西,你要学会更爱自己,学会用正确的方式保养自己的身体,”马扎补充道。When you appreciate what you have now, you learn to love yourself more and nurture your body in the right ways, " Mazza added."

当你到达的马扎甘你会发现有惊人的卧室和套房500丰盛的摩洛哥风格的海滨度假胜地。When you arrive to the Mazagan you will discover a sumptuous Moroccan style costal resort with 500 stunning bedrooms and Suites.

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攀登吉力马扎罗山需穿越五大气候地带,分别是雨林石南荒野高沼地高山沙漠极地。Climbing kilimanjaro means passing through five climatic zones, including rainforest, heath, moorland, alpine desert, and arctic.

此外,报告的合著者与环保团体说,帕特里克马扎地区有各种各样的生物质资源可供选择。And, report co-author Patrick Mazza with the environmental group says the region has a wide variety of biomass resources to choose from.

丝绸之路在它的全盛时期,一种持续不变的国际文化把马扎尔人、亚美尼亚人和中国人等不同的群体连接在一起。In its heyday, the Silk Road sustained an international culture that strung together groups as diverse as the Magyars , Armenians, and Chinese.