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指定您的标准。Specify your criteria.

不指定折弯的止裂槽。Do not specify bend reliefs.

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大家都按指定的位置坐了下来。Everybody took their places.

它是由放置器指定的。It is assigned by the placer.

请到指定的房间去。Please go to the assigned room.

可指定三态规格使用。Tri-state available if specify.

右击指定单线或双线。Right-click for one or two line.

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返回基数表达式的指定次幂的值。The base value of the expression.

由你指定吧,哪一个该留下。Do you designate who is to remain.

她向佣人指定了各项任务。She set the servant various tasks.

所以去指定的房间。So please go to the assigned room.

这些书是指定给她的。Those books were destined for her.

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就指定的中心画一圆圈。Dray a circle round a given centre.

按指定时间间隔重复发生。Recur at a specified time interval.

使用千字节指定页面大小。Specify the page size in kilobytes.

您可以指定到您的上议院领地。You can assign fiefs to your lords.

您可以指定一个新的包名。You can specify a new package name.

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可指定安全岛护柱的数目。Number of bollards can be specified.

指定系统执行服务。Specifies a system executer service.

指定对工件的操作。Specify the operations on workpiece.