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他们抓阄儿决定谁先走。They drew lots for the right to go first.

贞娘先抓阄,抓到了“死”字。Fiona Niang first draw, caught the word "death".

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在那时的雅典,法官是通过抓阄来选定的。In Athens at that time, judges were chosen by lot.

咱们抓阄来决定谁先去吧!Lets decide who should go first by drawing straws.

他们用的办法叫“抓阄”。They use draw lots of ways to election the "LEADERS".

一开始,他们抓阄决定谁来分粥,每天轮一个。For a start, they decided whom to congee, a daily round.

一开始,他们抓阄决定谁来分粥,每天轮一个。At the outset, they decided whom to Stop hours congee, a daily round.

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进入房间前,他们又按惯例抓阄配对。Before entering their rooms, they still did the routine work and drew the lot.

古代罗马人的这种抓阄式的配对方式后来被认为是不符合基督教,非法的。The Roman 'lottery' system for romantic pairing was deemed un-Christian and outlawed.

伊斯兰教禁止赌博,但圣经提及利用抓阄或运气来决定事情的结果。Islam forbids gambling, but the Bible mentions casting lots or using fortune to determine an outcome.

采取措施以规范抓阄的具体方式,将会促进抓阄更加合理地被应用。Taking measures to regulate specific ways of draw-lots-method will promote a more rational application of it.

虽是这样,还要抓阄分地。他们要按者祖宗各支派的名字承受为业。Be sure that the land is distributed by lot. What each group inherits will be according to the names for its ancestral tribe.

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在专业最终确定下来之前,抓阄的学生还有机会和其他同学换专业。Students who draw through the lottery still have a chance to switch with another student before their majors are finally set.

许多选择了到其他地方上市的外国公司指出,美国“立法抓阄法”是它们不在美国上市主要的原因所在。Many foreign firms that choose to list their shares elsewhere point to America's "litigation lottery" as the principal reason.

聚拢来,队友们,我已经尽可能地洞悉出了这些带着神秘力量的物品的真实作用,现在让我们每人从中选择一件,以抓阄来决定选择的次序。Gather round, allies, for I have endeavored to discern the true fuction of these items of mystic power, and now we shall each choose from among them, in the order determined by the drawing of straws.