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我也得用另一种方式表现得安分守己。In another fashion I too was to hold still.

比利时是欧洲最安分守己的小国之一。She was one of the most unoffending little countries in Europe.

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有多少爱可以重来,有多少人值得等待,安分守己。How much love can come back again, how many people are waiting, steady.

他们对待仆人不坏,但期望他们时时安分守己。They treated their servants well, but expected them always to know their place.

无论是谁不安分守己都要被社会舆论批评。No matter who doesn't follow the rules, hewould be criticized by the public opinion.

他们在一种无情地清除弱小和安分守己者的制度中占了上风。They have prevailed in a system that ruthlessly weeds out the timid and the scrupulous.

那个木匠想当律师,但别人劝他安分守己地干他自己的老本行。That carpenter wanted to become a lawyer, but he was advised to remain in his proper sphere.

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实际上,甚至在你还一向安分守己的时候,他也会怀疑不贞行为。In fact, he is likely to suspect infidelities even when you have kept to the straight and narrow.

原说下接过来大家安分守己的,我也不提旧事了。We could all have settled down then, minding our own business, and I'd have let bygones be bygones.

如此恶性循环下,当基本生存受到威胁时,我们凭什么要求他们还能安分守己?Such a vicious cycle, when the basic living under threat, w-shall we require them to still can line?

就是这样一个集团,每年制定出上百部的新法律,目的是让我们这些其他人安分守己。The same group that cranks out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.

在高等学校独立学院部分大学生中,存在着不“安分守己”的现象。There exists a phenomenon of"not well-behaved"in some students in independent institute of colleges and universities.

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有人说王华祥是东方的毕加索,也有人说王华祥是一个不能安分守己的叛逆份子。Some people say Wang Huaxiang is the Picasso in the east, also some people say Wang Huaxiang is an elements of treason.

人类社会中各行各业安分守己,各自发挥其社会功能,这一点算是比较成功的。The successful one however, in human society is that each industry in society does its own duty and plays its own role.

选择安分守己的待在校园里日复一日年复一年,平淡如水,无关悲喜。Choose to remain in one's proper sphere to be on campus day in and day out year after year, dull such as water, not sad.

这是我对自己经常不安分守己的警告,也是左正尧正在考虑的问题。In my opinion, it is both a warning to me for my frequent discontent and an issue that Zuo Zhengyao is now pondering over.

然而,最终各州,尤其是南方的各州还是制定了一些让“黑鬼安分守己”的新法律。Eventually, however, various states, particularly those in the South, enacted new laws to keep "the nigras in their place."

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巴瑟不直接向维兹尔报告极大的羞辱了埃及的首相,市长要懂得安分守己。By going over the Vizier's head, Paser has seriously insulted the prime minister of Egypt. The mayor must be put in his place.

萨莉是一位金发女郎,有着甜美的微笑,安分守己,极有组织性和条理性,她早已计划好了整个行程。Sally is blonde, smiley , clean-living, structured and very organized in an uptight way and she has already planned the entire trip.

但如今经济不景气,员工安分守己许多,公司挖墙脚也更难。But economic uncertainty makes workers more inclined to stay put, and firms that want to hire find it harder to entice people to move.