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他也没有提及定居点问题。He also made no mention of settlements.


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这是国家中最遥远的定居点之一。One of the most remote settlements of the country.

这个定居点是在我的地上修建的。This settlement is built over my land," Ghneim said.

印地安人经常袭击殖民者的定居点。The Indians often attacked the settlements of the colonist.

他说,在定居点的问题上没有中间道路可走。He said there is no middle solution on the settlement issue.

迪洛矮人向新定居点急行军。The derro make haste to their new settlement at a forced march.

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定居点的居民会把他们视作入侵者,禁止他们接近水源。The settlers see them as trespassers and bar access to springs.

我们从来没有承诺要在那些地区冻结定居点建设。We never promised to freeze construction in those areas," he said.

1795年,英格兰设法夺占了开普敦的荷兰人定居点。In 1795, England managed to seize the Dutch settlement at Cape Town.

旅行者向内地推进,探索人类定居点的遗迹。The travelers pushed inland, questing for signs of human settlement.

以色列曾下令将定居点建设冻结10个月,但是冻结令已经在9月26日到期。Israel's 10-month freeze on the construction expired on September 26.

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他于1541年带着建立一个永久定居点的目标回到了加拿大。He came back in 1541 with the goal of building a permanent settlement.

它位于淡路岛,一个在日本最古老的定居点。It is located on Awaji Island, one of the oldest settlements in Japan.

魁北克城是北美最古老的欧洲定居点之一。Quebec City is one of the oldest European settlements in North America.

这所神学院是在约旦河西岸建设犹太人定居点的主要支持者。The seminary was a bastion of the settlement movement in the West Bank.

另外,他也可以迫使以色列冻结约旦河西岸的犹太人定居点。He could also force Israel to freeze Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

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耶路撒冷的拉马特什洛莫地区是新的定居点的中心地带。The Ramat Shlomo area of Jerusalem is at the centre of the new homes row.

虫族将开始试图再加上另外五个平民的定居点。The Zerg will start trying to infest the five other civilian settlements.

犹太人在西岸和加沙的定居点问题就是其中一大症结。The Jewish settlements in west bank and Gaza strip is one of those cruxes.