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赛艇需要大量的训练。It's a lot of training.

赛艇上有舵手吗?。Did the scull have a cox?

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概念2赛艇运动员是最好的。Concept 2 rower is the best.

我参加了赛艇和划船活动。I took up coxing and rowing.

在加州,赛艇是很重要的赛事吗?Is rowing a big deal in California?

是的,事实上,我是市赛艇队的。Yes, in fact, I'm on our city team.

他在获胜的赛艇上划桨。He pulled an oar in the winning shell.

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能跟我们说说你们的赛艇队吗?Can you tell us about your rowing team?

我们一艘赛艇上坐八个人,and we row on a boat with eight people,

你能说说什么是赛艇队吗?Could you explain what the crew team is?

你见过赛艇队的那些人,是吧?But you've seen guys who row crew, right?

我们的赛艇队,我们有一个大学代表队。Our rowing team, we have a varsity program.

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是说可以参加赛艇队或发明二十五美元的电脑了。Or you row crew or you invent a 25 dollar PC.

每个人在赛艇的某一边划桨。Each person has one oar which goes on one side.

划赛艇对技术有特殊的要求吗?Does it need a special technique to row the boat?

我呢,则是每天都在河上进行赛艇训练。For me, it's crew, rowing on the river every day.

关于赛艇队就是这样。and I think that's about it, for the rowing team.

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两只赛艇的队员在紧张地等待着发令枪声。The two crews now tensely awaited the sound of gun.

嗯,其实我是布朗赛艇队的队员。Well, I'm actually a part of the crew team at Brown.

桨手们划桨的节奏乱了,赛艇因此慢了下来。The rowers lost their rhythm and the boat lost speed.