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男人也想要风花雪月。And men want to stray.

人永远看不破的风花雪月。People always look out romantic themes.

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你记得风花雪月的小草吗?Do you remember the romantic themes grass?

曾试着去寻找一份感动,与伊共处一世风花雪月。Tried to find a touched, and Iraq coexistence and moon, I.

⊙、爱情是风花雪月的事,失意的人是玩不起的。Love is sentimental, frustrated people can't afford to play.

爱情是风花雪月的事,失意的人是玩不起的。Love is a sentimental thing, people are frustrated not afford to.

梦想着去那风花雪月的古城中体验放下一切的生活。The romantic dreams of the city to experience all to lay down their lives.

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我知道,所有的掌声和喝彩,都不过是一场场风花雪月的虚无。I know, all the applause and cheers, but is a romantic themes of nothingness.

我很清楚,若从我过往的那些风花雪月看来,无论如何我都不会是妳最佳的选择。And now I know based on my track record, I might not seem like the safest bet.

谁说诗歌非要描写风花雪月?这首诗同样展示了诗人美丽的心灵。Who says only poems about Wind and Moon are beautiful? This poem shows a beautiful soul.

风花雪月,花开花谢,年复一年,这一生的守候为谁蹉跎了光阴岁月,荒废了多少年少青春?Romantic themes, flower, year after year, this life waiting for who wasted time, wasted many young?

管牢嘴,能风花雪月的时候就少议论同事,能说人好话时就别说坏话。Pipe in mouth, can romantic themes when less about colleagues, who can say good things don't go bad.

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我们仅从风花雪月去看唐诗,或许表明,我们的人生可能太功利了。We are only from the romantic look of Tang poetry, and perhaps the fact that our lives may be too utilitarian.

下关风上关花苍山雪洱海月构成了大理的“风花雪月”。The wind in Xiaguan blows those flowers in Shangguan, the moonshine in the Erhai shines over the snow in Cangshan.

自然与人为之间的巧妙对话和质位互换,仿佛上演着南唐才子独占的风花雪月。Natural and man-made spaces between clever dialogue and exchange of quality, as a staged Southern Tang Wets exclusive movie.

任你红尘滚滚我不挣脱,任你风花雪月我自淡泊,独自沉沦着孤独的快乐。No matter how you roll I do not get rid of the Red, he was indifferent to your romantic since I own a lonely sinking pleasure.

他的下巴硬度有时令人怀疑,在普雷斯科特的一连串暴打之后更是暴露无遗古诗中的风花雪月。His jaw had been regarded as suspect for some time, yet it took a blistering flurry from Prescott to expose its weakness fully.

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它意味着你并不期望什么回报,并且即使你们不能永远保持风花雪月的浪漫你也依然一直爱她。It means no one expects anything in return and you will continue to love somebody even if it’s not all wine and roses all the time.

而以前被视为风花雪月,不切实际的包装设计,艺术行业,玩乐技能感觉就要咸鱼大翻身?Why these skills which was regarded as no much useful and practical like design, art, and even playing just rise from the valley bottom?

对于妻子的情绪波动、交谈欲望、对风花雪月般爱情的渴望,乃至于其对家务活的态度种种,丈夫总感到无法理解,甚至觉得她纯粹是在浪费时间。A man might see his wife's emotionality, need to communicate, desire for sensual romance, even attitude toward housework as a waste of time.