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它们需要我的引领。They need my guidance.

于是神差遣底波拉去引领他们。So God sent Deborah to lead them.

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穿出你的风格,引领时尚。Make your style, lead the fashion.

引领从人,都到庄上来。She had come from the manor-house.

你是我的牧者引领我。You are my Shepherd, and my Guide.

引领家居时尚。Leading the fad of house decoration.

引领家居洗涤新风尚!Leading the new fashion home washing!

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恩师引领四众弟子念佛。The teacher led four Buddha disciple.

中国向前冲,引领世界风!China-forward, the world leader in wind!

牧羊人引领羊下了山。The shepherd guided his sheep down the hill.

引领中国布艺装饰新潮流。China leading the new trend decorative cloth.

引领中国压滤机行业的发展!Lead the development of China press industry!

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请大显身手,每天至少引领三个人开心张笑口。Try to make at least three people smile a day.

新鑫源引领门的新概念!Xinxinyuan guides the latest concept of doors.

脚踏车小径引领你穿越乡村和农田。Bike paths take you past rural villages and farms.

因缘际会下,一部古老的电脑引领塔特进入SETI。By chance, an ancient computer led Tarter to SETI.

全仗你手提挈,父啊,引领我回家!Lest I fall upon the wayside, Lead me gently home.

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而如今,房产业倒是引领着走下坡路了。Today, it appears to be leading the way back down.

星海,引领旅游跟拍新时尚!Xinghai, leading the tour with a new fashion shoot!

惟恐我在路途失迷,引领我回家!If Thou'lt only lead me, Father, Lead me gently home.