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摩诃萨.解放.自由.Liberation. Freedom.

解放油罐车挡位和优雅。Moving off with grace.

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解放自我的故事。My Story of Liberation.

原力将解放我!The Force shall free me!

他们渴望解放。They pant after liberation.

这就是解放生态学。This is liberation ecology.

我的家乡是一九四九年春解放的。My home town is a good place.

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我们管这叫“数据解放”。We call this data liberation.

他从束缚中解放出来。He was delivered from bondage.

解脱。解放。自由。"Moksha. Liberation. Freedom".

但这解放能帮到她们吗?But will emancipation help them?

摄于武汉解放公园。Taken in Liberation Park, Wuhan.

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塔利尔这个词意为解放。The word Tahrir means liberation.

他们从奴役中被解放出来。They were delivered from slavery.

19XX年,我的家乡解放了。In 19XX my hometown was liberated.

他们为了解放而英勇斗争。They fought bravely for liberation.

此后我军很快就解放了塔尔图市。Soon we liberated the city of Tartu.

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这也有助于我的解放。That also helped in my emancipation.

我们解放了中国的生产力。We emancipated productivity in China.

他们的思想已经从俗气中解放出来。Their minds are free from worldliness.