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五月份我们很快团聚。May Gud reunite us very soon.

于是,我带她去和多拉团聚。I took her to be reunited with Dorah.

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明年我有一个大学团聚。I have a university reunion next year.

这个节日是家人团聚的时刻。The holiday is a time of family reunion.

那是去年除夕夜,我们全家团聚,突然暖气管破裂了,热气从缝隙中迸射出来。The warm steam burst forth from the crack.

简刚和她的家人在美国团聚。Jane has just joined her family in America.

元旦是一个亲属团聚的日子。New Year's Day is a day for family reunion.

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玛丽不久前刚和她的家人在澳大利亚团聚。Mary has just joined her family in Australia.

深深相喜欢的夫妻二人终于团聚。In the deeply like the couple finally reunion.

妻子和儿子遭绑架,12年后与丈夫团聚。Man reunites with wife and son after 12 years.

除夕之夜,迟一顿丰富年夜饭,是家人团聚的时候。New Year's Eve is the time for family reunion.

走吧,是你的‘夫妻团聚’时间,你老婆来了。It’s time for your conjugal. Your wife is here.

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路飞,是时候和伙伴团聚了!Luffy, it's time to get the band back together.

如今,残酷的命运让他们这样团聚了。And now, the cruelest of fates had reunited them.

跟父母一块儿团聚吃团圆饭I am having a get reunion dinner with my parents.

颈部弯曲下来与头部重新团聚。The neck bends down, and is rejoined to the dart.

等明天晚上我回到成都,我们就可以团聚了。When I go back to Chengdu tomorrow, we'll reunite.

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在这团聚的外国国家国家日常表达里祝你全家节日愉快。Wish you or ywes a glad holiday on the gatITing day.

中秋节是团聚、和睦、美满和收获的日子。It is a day of unity, harmony, happiness and harvest.

杰克返回到水塔与家人团聚。Jack returns to the water tower to pick up his family.